Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More Bug Jam 20...

Bug Jam 20...

Bug Jam is the highlight of the VW calendar for us. It's a six hour drive for two nights but worth it! You see sights there you'll never see at any other show... rocket cars, VW racin, rides, entertainment.. and for one year only the biggest thunder storm I have seen anywhere in the world. One minute we were burning in the sun struggling to stay cool, next running for shelter! It didn't dampen the spirits, we held the tent down for an hour then got on with the party.

We managed to drag Jon and Helen along from the Exeter VW club and met up with some friends from another local club. Another memorable weekend with the van and some lovely people.

Friday, July 21, 2006

One way tickets...

On December 1st 2006 we'll jet off to Oz stopping off in the Maldives for four night along the way (jet lag can be a terrible thing!!!)

We'll then touch down in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia at 8:45am on Thursday the 7th December 2006!

It felt a bit strange... a mixture of excitement and fear all rolled into one.

Today we feel a step closer to Australia and our new life down under!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Beth's mum and dad visit...

The weather went mad in July. I was up in Oxford working where the roads had to be gritted to stop them melting and children were sent home from school as temperatures reached all time record levels. A two hour train journey took four at speeds of up to 20mph as the rails melted .. oh and the air con failed!!!!!

Beth back in Exeter decided to cool off with her mum and dad (Jean and Jon) with a walk along the canal. Beth and her mum decided the best way to stay cool was to take a pedalo ride!

More Cornwall Camp Capers...

This to us is what owning a camper van is about. Pretending that balls are eyes, sitting on the roof of yer van, making human pyramids, spending time together and getting arrested when trying to get a lift back to the campsite with a Policeman after a pub lunch! Beth told him she had a been a naughty girl... the Police are obviously more relaxed in deepest Cornwall.

Cornwall Camping 2006...

The picnic, birthday meal, wedding and reception and christening were followed by a week away with some of our air cooled chums. The week got off to a misty start and ended with some unseasonally hot weather! BBQ's, outdoor living, surfing and days on the beach followed. We even took Stan (the Van) and Ernie (also pictured!) out for the day to Fistral. The Walker's joined us for a day to take in the sun, sand sea and surf! The start of the week was spent at Sennen Cove near lands end before we travelled up the North Coast for some traditional British campsite entertainment... sorry guys!

Toby's Christening...

The Wedding was followed by a sleep in the van, a pack up of Djing equipment, a drive home, a packing of a weeks camping equipment before leaving for Tintagel in Cornwall... all before 7:30am.

It was a repeat journey for us to the same place as Hannah's christening the year before. Our very dear friends Lou and Lloyd have been busy over the last couple of years and have proven to be fantastic and worthy parents... we always knew they would be!

We were delighted to be asked to be Godparents for Toby the latest addition to the family. Another fantastic day and a chance to enjoy something we would have missed had things been different.

It was off to the campsite in the evening for the start of the holiday!!!!!!!!

The Wedding... Rob 'n' Gemma

The party of the night before was followed by Rob and Gemma's wedding. A fantastic day and evening in beautiful surroundings and with beautiful people. Beth and I love weddings so much after our own because we know what a wonderful day it is! We were glad to still be here for it!

..... I made my DJing debut and it went quite well I suppose... some rough edges here and there and a record which cleared the dancefloor instantly! I can only get better!

Helen's Birthday...

We kicked off a very busy month for us with a night out to celebrate Helen's birthday. A lunchtime picnic was followed by a meal in Waggamamma's followed by a stroll down to the Quay. Beth wore someone else's coat on back to front all the way (not sure why!) before Helen dropped her bottle of wine on the floor! After a few drinks and fireworks to celebrate the start of the Exeter festival we thought we'd have a go on the Bucking Bronco... Some of us still have the bruises to prove it!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Passports posted... and returned!

Today the passports were returned from Australia House in London with the all important "Remain in Australia indefinitely" page stuck in.

... to continue the theme again we were not together to celebrate the event, this time Beth was home, I was up in Oxford!

Monday, July 03, 2006

World Cup 06 ... We're out on penalties again!...

No words can describe how Beth and I feel about this but this picture kinda sums it up!

Exmouth Crazy Golf...

We took a trip down to Exmouth with our VW soulmates Jon and Helen to enjoy the sunshine, watch the World Cup and partake in some Crazy Golf.

The crazy golf went well at the strangely named Arnold Palmer course! There were many laughs, dropped shots and disputes over where I placed my ball to start each hole. Jon managed to ring the bell at the end and was awarded a FREE GAME! The typical Walker competative spirit was evident but not sufficient to beat my superior putting skills!

Celebrating the Visas...

We took the opportunity to celebrate the arrival of the visas by walking along the river and sitting down to enjoy some unseasonally warm British weather. We had a couple of beers and the worlds largest and hottest pizza.

We'll kinda miss the river, it's always different with something new
to see on every stroll (and stagger!)