Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Zzzzzzz..... Zzzzzz.........

Things have been pretty tiring here of late hence no updates. Alfie has been really struggling over the weekend and through this week with with a bit of a cold coupled with some teeth coming through. His chest gets fairly congested at nights and finds it hard to breath. On Sunday night he didn't settle until 2am, not ideal preparation for mum and dad to spend a day in school! He followed up on Monday night by waking up at 2am. ... we discovered that the Lake can be quite picturesque at 4:30am!

The good news however is that he seems to have got through the worst of it and so we are returning to something like a normal sleep pattern! We'll update soon...

Monday, June 09, 2008

Family Times...

Heres a video of some family time...

... featuring Alfie getting a little frustrated with a puzzle piece he can't quite get into where it fits!

My Blog Roll...

You might have noticed a change to the blog with the removal of the bit that was called These are a few of my favourite things this has been replaced by My Blog Roll which will now give you snippets of important information like the latest updates on the featured sites. I'll add more content to the blog roll as I go... there are lots of great blogs out there!

... Also the Alfie month by month pictures now run as a slideshow!

All thanks to to good people at Blogger who host all this stuff for free!

Happy Birthday....

Okay so its not the Queens Birthday until the 17th June but here in Australia what better excuse for a public holiday? Seems strange that the UK doesn't have a public holiday for the same reason, still we're not complaining.

Will be interesting to see what happens when Australia ditches the monarchy ... another referendum is on the agenda. Still in the meantime she has her use, not sure what else she positively contributes to the everyday life of the everyday person but still!

Speers Point Superpark...

Between the showers it was off to Speers Point and the new Superpark. There are free BBQs (not the weather for it today!), sand pits and heaps of play equipment to investigate. Alfie seemed to enjoy it as there were loads of other children there to watch and copy! We all had a great time before we had to dash for the car to get out of the rain...

On the outside looking in....

When inside he spends most of his time looking out, when out he spends his time looking in!

... check the hand prints on the glass!

3.... 2 ...... 1......


Alfie loves counting down from three and is joining in with the GO with gusto!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Chin ups...

Most adults can barely manage a handful... however Alfie managed to bang out over twenty on the handle bars of a very dusty exercise bike!

... no teeth were lost in the making of this video. He wasn't as close as it appears on the video!