Sunday, November 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Rosco...

Last Thursday was Rosco's 40th Birthday. Ross is my buddy at work and has now become my good buddy out of school. We invited them and some rain over for a BBQ on Saturday. It was good to catch up with him, Sara and an increasingly upwardly mobile Noah.

A good time was had by all and also give me another opportunity to polish off those BBQ skills for the Summer Season.

Grandad and Grandson...

Teeth Trouble...

Alfie is struggling with his teeth at the moment and gnawing on anything to help his troublesome teeth come through. His hands seem to be permanently in his mouth and the river of druel flows endlessly. This is also impacting on his sleep and therefore ours.... Last night he was up every two hours and so it was time to drive around deserted streets at 4am go on walks at 5am before getting back in the car for another drive. We're all hoping that these teeth come through sooner rather than later.


Forget toys, television or trips to the beach there is only one way to occupy Alfie at the moment, take him out to look at the diggers, steam rollers and trucks resurfacing the roads. I'm not sure what we'll do when then go...

Auntie Rach ...

This week we've been luck enough to have Auntie Rach stop off on her holiday trip after visiting Fuji and New Zealand. It was great to see her again and I know that Alfie will certainly miss her now that she is enroute back home. She and Alfie built up quite a relationships and had him smiling at a time when he's been struggling with his teeth and not in the best of moods.

She was a-ok with Alfie as she took him to see the diggers down the road, built better train tracks than Dad, helped out with anything and everything and read the same books over and over again!

We will miss you Aunty Rachel. See you soon... xxxx

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Happy Birthday Kel...

Spent much of the day today with Kel (pictured left)for her 30th birthday. The weather cleared up quite nicely and we enjoyed the sitting out in the garden with friends. We met Kel and Brett (.. Elliott came along soon after!) during antenatal classes and stayed in touch as we have with Kate and Matt and Dave and Maz. All the boys has a great time playing while we relaxed and caught up on all the news in the sunshine. A great afternoon... so good forgot to take pics!

England Humiliated ... again!

On Saturday we went down to the local stadium in Newcastle to watch England in the Rugby League world cup, its not really my cup of tea but as it was local so why not? England had already been handed a stuffing by Australia the week before so I went along with hope more than expectation.

There was quite a crew, including the Walkers and most of the Reece family and friends. We had a great view although I could have had a better seat ie: further away from Mitchell who decided that he would adopt NZ (Unheard of for an Australian!) complete with national anthem song sheet!!!

England got off to a good start but fell apart in the second half.

All in all a good night considering it was peanut hugging. England are now through to the next stage (just!) and will face New Zealand again next Saturday!!!

Friday, November 07, 2008

Three wheelin....

Alfie has fallen in love with his bike. Regular readers will remember the pain, angst and swearing that went into the assembly of the thing! The bike is pretty much taken everywhere from walks to the park, a day at the beach, a playtime on the deck or just as a movable seat inside to watch TV.

With all that leg work he is sure to develop sturdy legs, particularly if he continues to push himself up hill on sand.

Nanny and Gramps...

I've been a bit slack on the blog for the last couple of weeks, with things very busy at school and the arrival of Nan and Gramps. They will be with us until the end of January now so there will be lots of opportunities for Alfie to share books with Nan, go on walks and explore the deeper reaches of Gramp's top pocket!

Alfie month by month...

Updated slideshow with a picture of Alfie dressed to the nines!