Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Crikey its a Bluetongue ...

There I was enjoying a slow morning updating the blog in the holidays looking out of the window, when I spotted this ...

I managed to snap it through the blinds and glass and from about five metres away... a Bluetongue lizard. It seems to have set up home in a piece of upturned fibreglass from our pond. Hopefully 'Bluey' will stay around for a while and eat the snails in the garden!

Find out more about Bluetongues here.

Dig Dig Dig....

With an Australian Summer approaching (... whhoooo hoo! ) there will be plenty of opportunities to take a dip and cool off. Alfie was getting quite confident come the end of last Summer but the Winter gave us limited opportunities to keep it up. Indoor pools are as rare as outdoor pools in the UK!

We took Alfie for a swimming assessment on Saturday so that he can start lessons. He got in willingly with the teacher with his backfloat (... Aussies call them Bubbles for some reason!?!) splashed around a bit but didn't manage to let go of his vice like grip on her arms. So we were told that he needs private lessons until he can doggy paddle with three bubbles.

Yesterday he went back to the pool for his first lesson with Mitchell. He was very excited and then a little confused when it wasn't the Mitchell he was expecting! However he soon got over that and managed to paddle with his 'Did Dig Dig' arms for a good 15-20minutes first with four bubbles and then three. Beth and I along with our wallets are hopeful that one more private lesson should crack it. Watch this space...

Ain't nobody here but us chickens ...

Alfie and I are looking after some friends chickens (... and associated other animals and veggies!) while they are away. They have three hens and a rooster which have been busy, one of the hens laid some eggs which are now starting to hatch.

In the last two days two chicks have appeared and we are enjoying watching them grow. We might get some more pictures over the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tissue! What tissue? ...

Alfie has discovered like most boys (... and girls!) that you can get by without a tissue. Follow these easy steps...

1. Nose starts to run.
2. Extend index finger.
3. Place beneath nose.
4. Draw back finger across your face towards ear.
5. Should nose continue to run repeat steps 1-4 alternating between left and right sides.
6. Now start collecting mud/dust/sand/food stuffs to complete the look!

... and the all important step.

7. Resist all attempts to remove the snot-stache or boggie wiskers with a wet wipe!

Taken by now award winning photographer, friend and all round nice person Kate. Check out KaTE aBECKETT PHOTOGRaPHY for some more of her work.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Second Baby Syndrome ...

Regular blog readers will have noted that posts on here are well ... not regular! This is due to a busy life, demanding wife (... just joking!) and the fact that we've been here for nearly four years and therefore things have become a little less newsworthy. There is also Second Baby Syndrome ... you just don't seem to have as many pictures of number two as you did for Number One who could barely move, fill a nappy or projectile vomit without being snapped.

So with all the posts today I've tried to redress the balance a little and give Charles a little blog time ... he deserves it!

Dancing like Dad!?! ...

When you have kids you pass many things on, its quite funny to watch and listen to Alfie in particular mimicking Beth and I. With Charlie I do think that I have passed on my excellent sense of rythm, want evidence?!? Check his moves here while he enjoys some old records in the bar! ;0)

Swing into Summer

With Spring in full swing its time to start thinking about getting outside and enjoying the warmer weather. Both the boys have enjoyed a swing in the tree in the last week.

Hopefully there will be some news of a tree house in the near future!

Mummy's Birthday ...

Last week we celebrated Beth's bithday, with a leisurely breakfast and some presents. Despite her insistence that we celebrate her birthday for the entire week (or month!!!)  we did pull out the stops on the Sunday.

Beth might have had more than an idea of what she might get but with a little assistance from Alfie she managed to unwrap a dressing gown, a pre order voucher for the forthcoming Robbie Williams album a purse and a Wonder Woman coffee mug from the kids!

In the afternoon it was off to the Caves Beach Hotel for a bite to eat with family and friends...

... before spending some time on the Beach! A great time was had by all.

XS, S & XL ...

Enough time has passed since the World Cup for the shame and embarrassment to have subsided sufficiently for us to wear our England shirts out in public! ;0)

Feed the monkey to the banana...

Friday marked the end of term, my return from a three day excursion and the start of a two week holiday. Its been a busy term and so we're all looking forward to spending some quality family time together. This morning we all entertained Charlie with a felt banana, it also features me getting a little muddled on whether its the banana or the monkey that does the eatting much to Beths amusement.... baffoon! ;0)

What chew looking at ...

Still no sign of teeth inside Charlie's chubby little cheeks but something tells us that they might not be too far away! Check out this short video where the drink bottle gets a good work out!

Month by Month ....

A couple of updates in Alfie and Charlie's month by month albums...