Monday, July 04, 2011


Mid year break here and some much needed time with the family. The photo folders on our computers have been a little empty of late... a sure fire sign that things have been busy. I have managed to capture some shots on the phone while we've been out and about using Instagram. Its a great little iPhone app that lets you take a picture and then fiddle about with some filters for all kinds of different effects.

I particularly like the ones that make everything retro orange, like back in the seventies when everything was orange ... but all photographs seemed to end up with the retro orange tinge!Hope you like them ... they're a good indication of what we've been up to lately...

Time for some much needed guitar practice under the palm tree!

The last leaves of Autumn cling to the tree in the garden.

Entrance to Nobbies Beach on a Winters day.

Rugged up against the wind and rain.

Another coal ship slides into port.

A Winters Day at Bar Beach... our favourite!

Charlie takes a dip...

Alfie gets some sand out of his ear!