Thursday, November 30, 2006


Too busy to write anything doing lots of the above!

Comedy Companions

It was a mad dash from Plymouth to see Hannah and Toby for the last time for a while. I dread to think how big they will be next time we see them... they get bigger, can do new stuff have a new expression, laugh or word everytime we see them. How Lou and Lloyd manage with the "two under two" we never know, all we know is that if we are half as good as parenting as them we will be doing ok!

Then it was off to the "Comedy Night" (trades descriptions have been informed!)to meet loads more people than we were expecting. We were only sure we could make it on the Saturday... but yet again it was an opportunity for us to see what great friends we are leaving behind. You are all more than welcome down under... although not all at the same time please!

PAFC... & Home Park (the home of Football)

This weekend also marked my last visit (for a while!) to Home Park. I have however vowed to return in the event of a promotion to the Premiership or a Cup Final (no I haven't booked tickets for this years end of season or cup final date!) I did however shell out for some stuff in the club "Retail Village" more of a shed and also take out an online season tickets which allow me to listen live at 2am and see goal highlights (Beth is delighted!!!)

Weekend with Mum

After the good news of the Friday mum was straight to the phone giving the family the good news and hastily inviting them to a rescheduled party on the Saturday night. It was great to see the family again and also to take so last looks (for a while!) around the city where I lived so much of my life. I once vowed never to leave Plymouth!... let alone move to Exeter! ... then Bristol! How times change! Plymouth has also changed a lot... I wonder what it will look like next time I see it!

Anyway here are some of the sillier pictures of the night!.. although not as silly as uncle Brians two word charade "Wheel of Fortune!"

The nightmare week...

We were very much putting on a brave face over the weekend after we received some worrying news about the baby. We went into Hospital on the Tuesday for a scan and a discussion about potential risks of a number of conditions. The scan revealed that the risks were very much higher than originaly thought and this left us with little choice over the tests. We had the tests with Beth doing brilliantly, we also paid the additional fee so that we could have the test result early. I stayed home and the brave faces continued all week until we (eventually!... don't get me started!) got the news we all hoped for. It was a tough week which brough all the memories of Hannah flooding back. Thanks to everyone for all your kind thoughts and wishes... it really meant a lot.

We are very much looking forward to the new arrival in April after our arrival in Australia.

Saying Ta Ta to the Turls

We stopped off in Topsham near Exeter to say goodbye to the Turls. We will miss them for sure. We always feel sad saying goodbye to those people with children as it will be the kids that we will miss seeing grow up. Although Poppy, Matilda and Toby your Godparents won't forget you...

Weekend with Dad...

We spent our second to last weekend in England down with my Dad in Plymouth. It was good to catch up with the Aunties and Uncles again (who I have seen more of in the last month than in the last year!) It was also great to spend some time with brothers new and old.

Monday, November 13, 2006


To finish off the weekend of running about it was back to our temporary home in Bristol, but not before a trip to the Swan for some drinks and nibbles. Beth and Jean took the car while Jon and I took the healthier option by walking! We also walked back home some 70 minutes but then who was timing? ... ah Beth! There was just time to get things organised before the family came around to visit. We had a lot of fun with the kids, Julian's foot and watched the wedding video. We still like watching the video, and it all seems so much longer ago than January. It was great to catch up with everyone again... Another fantastic weekend, if a little exhausting!

Wedding Party

Not happy with getting to bed at 2am on the Friday we thought that we'd have another late night at Ralph and Ann's wedding party! It was a good opportunity for Beth to catch up with some old school friends and barn dance! ...

Cornish Companions

Saturday lunchtime was spent with our friends Tanya and John, and Andrew and Nic and all the littleuns who seem to get bigger and bigger everytime we see them. We had a lovely lunch before a walk down to the river and the park. We had great fun in the park and before Finlay and I made a sculpture from bits of driftwood and seaweed! It was hide and seek all the way back to the house ready for nappy changes alround. We then said our tearful goodbyes before making our way up the motorway!

Oaten's Open House

Soon it was Friday night and so off we went to my cousin Marie's house for a party. They had mistakenly and drunkenly mentioned a party over a year ago... and we have long memories! Thanks to Steve and Marie for all their efforts on the food, getting people to come and also for the party game in the form of a corked hat. Anyone mentioning Australia, Oz, green or gold had to wear the hat until someone else equally as stupid said a banned word! Although it is worth noting that I seemed to be wearing it most of the night. It was great to catch up with some aunties, uncles and cousins as we had not seen them for quite a while. Richard saw that people went home with sore sides caused by laughing at his tales of strange rugby player rituals carried out on each other on the team coach! ... Moustaches will never be the same!!

The Topsham Two...

The start of a hectic weekend started with a drive from Bristol to Exeter, that was after I actually managed to get my eyes open when I woke up, it had already been a long long week! First stop was to see Poppy, Matilda oh and you Mel! Poppy was up for a bit of fun as usual rolling things under the sofa, jumping on my head, eating most of my crunch corner etc! It was also my first opportunity to see Matilda the new addition to the family. Time for a bacon butty then onwards... to Plymouth to see more babies!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What's REALLY doing down under!

Thanks to Sharron for these pictures updating what's really doing down under! As you can see even Aussie kids get involved in the whole Halloween thing, although it's a shame that the adults don't join in the fun eh Sharr!:0)

Joel had his 4th birthday and seems to have enjoyed himself... sorry I don't have a picture of what was inside the wrapper!

At last after several weeks of pulling Liam's lost his first tooth. I was pleased to hear that the tooth fairy left additional income due to the delay. Liam had been waiting for some time while all those around him at school were loosing teeth hand over fist!

Nice to see a little sunshine in the camping trip pictures, although Matt and Sharron I need to chat to you about the spiders web..... I thought you said you didn't get spiders in Australia ;0)

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The Sunsets on a Wonderful Weekend

I took this picture of a moving car window on the way home, a spectacular end to a weekend. It's far more impressive than any firework!

Eloise and Simon

Sunday afternoon we made the short trip across Bournemouth to see our friends Eloise and Simon. They are two fantastic people we met during our Exminster days. It was great to catch up with them as we haven't seen them since the Summer weddings. The tea and cakes were most welcome and very civilized, in marked contrast to the last time we saw them! ;0)

Fishing 'n' Friends Continued

Fishing 'n' Friends!

Sunday morning we were up with the larks, then sat waiting for Heidi and Chris to return with the Sausages and eggs so that Roger and I could plough on with the breakfasts. It was then off to see Mr. and Mrs. Trim (Heidi and Roger's Mum and Dad)to say hello, goodbye and to pick up some rods and tackle. I chanced my arm at fishing again, and again found that it's not really in my blood. Several mistimed casts, lost tackle and clump of seaweed later my net was still empty. It has to be said that Roger had more luck!

The girls bored of watching their men (try to!) provide their next meal soon wandered off for an easier catch in the cafe, only to return to see us empty handed! Roger has a nasty knack of finding injured/dead people and didn't want to dissapoint as his next victim (patient)appeared with a broken leg from behind a rock!

Friends 'n' Fireworks

Saturday afternoon and evening was spent in Bournemouth with Heidi and Chris, and Paula, Roger and bump. We decided to go buy some fireworks and set about preparing food for a BBQ. After sampling some more home brew (feeling a little better!) I set about making some beef burgers that actually turned out ok. While the girls sat inside (X Factor/Come Dancing!) the boys hunted, gathered and set up fireworks. The chimney heater kept most of us warm, while the food did the rest! The Fireworks were good fun, as was hiding in the greenhouse to take some close up pictures!

As all of us are now thirty + we didn't last too long into the evening, and having blown up a double mattress using only my mouth after the electric pump packed up, I was ready for a lie down!

Friday Night Surprise....

Friday night should have been a surprise as Jon had decided to take Helen away for the weekend, and I had planned to take Beth out for the night, only to meet up in the same place! However come 7pm Helen had already sussed what was going on, but Beth still got the surprise as we bumped into each other in the bar/restaurant. Zero Degrees is a Micro Brewery which brews it's own beer... more on that later!

We sat down for a meal and got the full treatment as Jon's mate who manages the restaurant had written his name as Lord J. Pratt on the reservations list! We had a lovely meal with the boys tucking into any leftovers. Back downstairs we continued to sample the brews before being taken on a behind the scenes tour of three million pounds worth of brewing equipment. The finished beers were excellent, the partially brewed stuff interesting and the handful of malt I was encouraged to eat crunchy! Basically all the beer gets made upstairs and then flows straight to the pumps... it doesn't even get near a barrel or bottle!

After closing we went back to Helen and Jon's hotel and sat in the cocktail bar, which was kinda posh and had some posh prices to match! A fantastic night was spoilt by a fantastic headache in the morning..... (bad pints ... Partially brewed beer etc!)

Welcome into the World Matlida Hermione Turl

Born at home on the 25th of October to proud parents Mel and Gary, comes Poppy's little sister Matilda. As you can see she has lots of beautiful black hair already, much the same as Poppy when she was born. Lots of love to all the Turls...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Me new ickle bro...

Check out me new ickle brother William James Ivey, born Tuesday 31st October 2006. Congratulations to Dad and Pam for their new arrival. (Already has more hair than big brother! ;0) )