Monday, September 15, 2008

A dummy in the hand is worth two in the mouth...

Alfie loves nothing more to hunt the house and collect up the dozen or so dummies that we share the house with. He doesn't use them much during the day but when its time for a nap its dummy then blanket! There must literally be about fifty in the house somewhere with "not seen for ages" ones turning up not so mysteriously in my sock drawer, kitchen cupboard or in with the hermit crabs!

Very often he'll select a favourite and discard those he doesn't like on that particular day. On this day Alie he obviously couldn't decide and he had a go at getting two in there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly

A dummy in the mouth is worth two in the hand!

Priceless! Yet another photo to bring us a LARGE smile! - only Alfie could carry off this picture!
Look forward to seeing the other selection soon!

Jean and John xx