Thursday, December 04, 2008

All dressed up...

... and presentation evening to go to!

This week marked the end of my year contract at the Hunter Valley Grammar School. This was marked with a presentation evening for the students who turned up smartly dressed as always. Staff also had to dress smartly as you can see. I've not worn one of these since I graduated and then some years later was locked out of my brothers graduation! ... No I don't know where Robin is!!!

I can now look forward to a holiday until the end of January. I have had a wonderful year there and made some lifelong friends. The good news is that my contract has been extended for another year so that will take me through to January 2010, which suddenly feels like a long way away. While I am desperate for a permanent teaching position these are few and far between and I do feel very fortunate to be given the opportunity of at least another year as its a great school. ... We're hoping to get Alfie's name down for the Pre-school next year!


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Very smart Paul and congratulations on having your contract extended for another year. Enjoy your seriously long holiday! xxx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the new contract! They'd be silly to let someone soooo gr8t slip through the net. Well done Paul XXXX