Friday, January 30, 2009


We have been enjoying/enduring something of a heat wave in recent weeks. While we might have avoided the 44 degree heat in Melbourne that has played havoc with the Australian Open Tennis we are getting temperatures well into the thirties on a regular basis. Newspaper Article

Where I work only forty minutes by car the temperatures tend to be about two or three degrees warmer than the coast, the journeys to and from school are all about survival. Without air conditioning or even a fan, my plastic seats and a steering wheel too hot to touch its been interesting!!!

I think we have really noticed the heat after two relatively cool summers since our arrival. While it might seem that we are being whingeing Poms again, but very warm days are like the full day of torrential rain that you might get in the UK, simply the weather makes you want to stay inside... on this occasion with the air conditioners on!

Stralia Day...

We celebrated Australia (... pronounced Stralia round these ere parts) Day on the 26th. The weather was strangely Un-Australian but we had a great day.. none the less. We had hoped that we would celebrate this year as Australians but we simply haven't had time to do the study to pass the test but we are hopeful that we can get this done within the next three months. It would mean that we could carry both an English and Australian passport, but more importantly avoid any embarrassment on either side during this Summer's ashes series.

Anyway I digress... we spent much of the day at a local park listening to bands. There was a great atmosphere, with young and old alongside each other, lots of beer and not the faintest hint of any trouble.

I traded a kidney so that Alfie could have a go on some of the rides. He clearly enjoyed the merry-go-round, and we had a great view from the top of the Ferris Wheel. Alfie then gave two worried parents some cause for concern as he fearlessly scaled the bouncy castle ladder to get to the slide! Alfie also managed to get inside a Fire Engine and make his Nee Naw siren noise for all to hear.

Mitch and Amy came along to top off a great day...


Almost big enough to put the bin out for us....

... the harmless (so I'm told!) Huntsman Spider.

Bye Bye Nan and Gramps....

A couple of weeks ago we had to say a sad goodbye to Nan and Gramps. They had become very much part of life at home, entertaining Alfie and embarking on yet another project. When you visit Australia you can stay for 90 days on a tourist visa before you need to leave, Nan and Gramps managed an impressive 89 days!

We marked the last couple of days with some family picnics and days out together.

There wasn't a dry eye at the rail station, other than Alfie's who was quite taken with the passing trains!!! We are sure that Alfie misses them however ... walks around Hillsborough and rides on legs have been in short supply!

We have lots of lovely memories of their visit and thank them for everything that they did while they were here. We also know that our parents do a lot for us from home too, and their love makes them feel much closer to us. Hope to see you Down Under again soon...

Congratulations Jo and Brendon...

Things have been pretty busy of late and so there have been few updates. I'll try and get you all up to speed on What's Doing Down Under. We were delighted to be invited to the Wedding of Jo and Brendon at a local church. I was working with Jo last year and we struck up quite a friendship, I'm pleased that I am working with her again this year although the name change is a little confusing!

Beth and I had a wonderful day, taking in everything during the ceremony and enjoying the evening meal and festivities. Both Jo and Brendon looked great, it was great share their day. Thanks guys...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Le Grand Cirque...

Just got back from Le Grand Cirque performance in Newcastle. It was simply breathtaking. Circus performances are not normally my thing but this was stunning. I found a couple of online clips to give you a flavour of what we saw...

If you ever get the chance to see it take the opportunity...

Friday, January 16, 2009


Alfie has become very talkative of late and starting to use more words and string some together, he actually said "Mummy and Daddy" the other day, talk about melt your heart. He holds quite long conversations with you complete with facial expressions and gestures. Last night he was particularly talkative, although as usual most of this was not caught on camera.

Take a look at these short videos. Guess which word he can pronounce perfectly?!?!...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stair project completed...

Jon has worked so hard on the steps at the back of the house (.. in extreme heat. Beth actually came out and one point said "Its hot out here" and scuttled back inside!) to make them safer for Alfie. Thanks to Matt and Jon we have some great looking rails. I have to admitt that I wouldn't have had a clue where to start... I've learnt heaps!

The Foreman and her little assistant comes to check the work...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Anniversary v.3...

Wednesday marked our third wedding anniversary, we had a chat about the last three years and marvelled at how much has changed. It seems kinda strange that Alfie wasn't there on the day but a look back at the wedding pictures show that he wasn't!

Take a look for yourself...

To celebrate the day Beth and I went for a surf lesson in crazy conditions. The instructors took the seven of us out to get smashed about for eighty minutes. I managed to get up for the shortest of rides but spent much of my time battling with seven and a half feet of foam inside a washing machine... Beth and I have both crossed Professional Surfer off our potential change of vocation list.

After the surf safari we walked to the Brewery for a bite to eat and some drinks.

After that we took Alfie to the Fair and he had a ride and he managed to pick up a perfect prize on one of the stalls.

After that it was back home to get ready to go out for more drinks and another bite to eat... we were celebrating three years after all. We went to Isobar and had a great night. We managed to find a great spot which was basically a bed with a table in the middle, we kicked back chilled out and watched the ships pass with the sea breeze blowing in.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009

More Veggie News...

Looking back through the blog I saw some of the previous pictures.
It's gone from this...

... to this in three weeks!

What's doing down in the veggie patch...

With some warm and sunny Summer weather (temperatures 30+ degrees on most days) things have really taken off in the garden. The veggies we planted are producing some interesting fruits and it has been interesting to see things grow. Alfie is a very helpful assistant making sure that the plants get the water they need from his watering can.

... a welcome guest! We found out that many plants produce a female and a male flower. The female flower creates the fruit after being pollinated.

... female flower with a baby Baby Watermelon!

... Some Tomatoes!

... Sweetcorn!

... Baby Watermelon. It seems to double in size everyday, Alfie just laughs at it!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We're going on a crab hunt...

The art to catching crabs is the element of suprise and the crouched position...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

On yer bikes...

Ben and Alfie out for a spin!

Board Stupid...

With little surf about and a chilly wind it was time to make your own entertainment on holiday. We went in search of sand dunes and fun. Our first dunes didn't prove to be much of a challenge, however the second coined "Wall of Death" kept us busy for several hours. First there was the head first on belly, then pairs even a triple before the standing up started.

Check out this short video of Beth and Sharron eating sand...

Carpenter Carpenter...

... build me some stairs!

With Alfie growing in size and confidence the only thing getting smaller is his fear of hurting himself and therefore I have been called into action to do something about the rather steep concrete steps out back. Now those that know me well will know that a handrail created by me will present a safety risk in itself!

I therefore had to call in Walker and Son to supervise the job. I have to say that I really enjoyed the job and made (... correct and safe!) use of some of the tools in my toolbox! I'm on a steep learning curve (vertical!) but I'm learning.

The Yellow Submarine...

Okay so we all don't live in it but in comes in mighty useful when the sun shines bright...

Alfie Month by Month ...

It's that time again...

Hawks Nest...

With Christmas and New Year over and the end of Nan and Gramps Walker's stay rapidly approaching we decided to head an hour up the coast to Hawks Nest for a week away. We rented a house there big enough for the nine of us and packed everything that we needed and more for our week in the sun.

We had some great weather, very hot at times but cooled nicely by the sea breeze on offer. Most days were spent relaxing by the waters edge, walking, digging in the sand or just relaxing. Alfie who normally is an excellent sleeper took a while to adjust to his new surroundings and so there were four very sleepless nights including one when we woke at 12am and got back into bed at 5:50am having watched the sun come up!

When the weather wasn't quite so good we made our own entertainment with a body board and some sand dunes!

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We had a great week with Nan, Gramps, Matt, Sharron and the boys but we are looking forward to some settled sleep in our own beds and the opportunity to get stuck into those new years resolutions (....More on those later!!!)