Friday, January 30, 2009


We have been enjoying/enduring something of a heat wave in recent weeks. While we might have avoided the 44 degree heat in Melbourne that has played havoc with the Australian Open Tennis we are getting temperatures well into the thirties on a regular basis. Newspaper Article

Where I work only forty minutes by car the temperatures tend to be about two or three degrees warmer than the coast, the journeys to and from school are all about survival. Without air conditioning or even a fan, my plastic seats and a steering wheel too hot to touch its been interesting!!!

I think we have really noticed the heat after two relatively cool summers since our arrival. While it might seem that we are being whingeing Poms again, but very warm days are like the full day of torrential rain that you might get in the UK, simply the weather makes you want to stay inside... on this occasion with the air conditioners on!


Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Wish we were there! could do with another 40 degrees!

Jean & John xx
(chosen to be housebound due to arctic weather)!

Anonymous said...

erm....isnt that why you have a swamp cooler?!?! use it!!!!!
