Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Hillsborough Hornets...

It's finals time again for the Hillsborough Hornets, with our Semi and Final on Thursday. We've had a fairly good season only giving up points for a forfeited game we were unable to make and the game the other week when we walked off after half time when things got too rough ... I kid you not! Don't be fooled by the pink bibs! This week looks like we'll play that team again so expect fireworks!

It's pretty much the same faces as last seasons Championship winning team with fine stand in performances from Josh, Mel, Rosco (Former Australian Mixed Netballer!) and Julie. Wish us luck... this looks like our last season for a while so we hope to go out on a high.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We wish you luck and WELL DONE! with getting this far! xxxxxx