Friday, July 10, 2009

On the Run...

For the last couple of months, the exception of one fateful morning in June, I've been taking my phone along with me for safety. Of course gone are the days when a phone was a phone, they now come packed with features that I make about 10% use of. I've never really seen the point of the camera (no matter how many mega pixels it has!) as its only really come in useful for recording evidence after car crashes or when an opponent smacks your mate in the face during a game of football!

I have however made something of an effort to take some pictures of the places where I go running. They're are a useful reminder of how lucky I am to live where I do... there are some beautiful spots around that I have only just scratched the surface of discovering. Its also amazing how the same place can look so different on different days and at different times.

Anyways here's what I've got so far...

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Alfie's First Report!

Most kids don't get their first report until they start school at the age of five, but this week we received Alfie's first from his developmental assessment at the hospital. He is still being monitored after his tough start and will need to go for more "experiments" at the age of three!

It was quite a detailed report, which suggests that he is just an average kid in many ways. It does suggest that he is big for his age in terms of height and weight, and that he has above average cognitive skills - exploring/moving objects, completing puzzles and imaginative play.

In conclusion the report states...

Alfie was enthusiastic, easily engaged in assessment items and cooperated with all requests from the examiner. Alfie focused well on tasks and was only distractible at the very conclusion of the assessment after one and half hours duration.

Well done Alfie!

Wednesday, July 08, 2009


I've just linked my Facebook account to What's Doing Down Under. Facebook seems to be the best way of communicating with most people these days, and I was doing a lot of double posting so this should save me some time ... time is money and all that!

If your reading this on Facebook you might not even know that we have a blog!?!? Check it out in all its glory here.

Big Boys Bed Pt II...

Didn't manage to sleep in it last night, but there's nothing like an afternoon nap after all that sea air!

Beach Boy...

We took Alfie out for some fresh air today and he had a ball running between everyones wind breaks, umbrellas and towels on the beach ;0)

It was intended as a relaxing family time, although Alfie had other ideas. Dashing off in all directions... with Beth or I in hot pursuit!

He really seems to be shooting up at the moment and is getting quick on his feet.

Family times are what the holidays are all about...

... we're off on holiday next week. Can't wait.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Alfie month by month...

Big Boys Bed...

As Alfie reaches two years and two months we've decided to try the big boys bed! We bought it some time ago but put off delivery until the holidays so that we could have time with the moving and settling in process.

Alfie tested the bed outside after it was delivered, before Mitchel and I expertly, without damaging anything or ourselves, moved it inside.

The first night went well with a tired Alfie being deposited in bed after getting out once, then sleeping through to 7am. Tonight has been less successful taking time to settle and numerous escapes from his bedroom! As I type this he now sleeps soundly.
... in his cot! This is going to take time!

Great News....

To say the last ten weeks have been busy is the biggest of understatements. With Beth and I working full time we have been rushed off our feet. Alfie (bless him!) has been whisked from his cot every morning at 6:30am and deposited at child care for 7am, where he remained until gone 5pm! Despite all being tired we all managed to survive to reach the end of term and a much deserved three week break... we have completed two of the four terms here in Australia. Rather sensibly the Academic year starts in January like other types of year and ends in December!

Beth did a great job and enjoyed being back in the classroom, building up a relationship with the kids in her class. The teacher she was covering returns after the holidays so it will be back to being a casual for Beth. I'm not sure that she enjoys that as much but she is glad that she will be able to spend some quality time with Alfie.

I'll return after the holidays but as a permanent member of staff. The good news is that I was successful in my application to become permanent, something which I have really been working hard for. It gives us a little more long term stability and a great school for Alfie to attend, its a huge coup for us. The public education system here has a strange appointment process in the form of a waiting list. Due to the geography of Australia there are many remote areas that find it difficult to recruit teachers and tempt them away from the coast. However with the waiting list teachers can progress up the list faster by doing time inland. Living in the country was something we did consider although with Alfie on the way and reports of teachers not belong able to leave until they were replaced put us off. The alternative was/is sitting on my backside for thirty five ... yes thirty five years for me to reach the top of the list. All permanent positions on the coast are like gold dust!

In January 2008 along came HVGS and the opportunity to teach for one year, this was then extended for another year. Then came the opportunity to apply with other contracted staff for a limited number of permanent positions. Of which I was lucky to one. Obviously I'm delighted although it is something of a bitter sweet moment as there are some really great people at school all equally deserving. Fingers crossed that something comes us for them soon...

You can check out the school website here.