Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update from the Little Brother House...

Day Five here in the Little Brother house and all is going well. I'm say here at 7:30pm typing this all the kids in bed ... won't always be that easy! We've had a couple of midwife visits and Charlie and Mum seem to be doing well.

The new addition seems quite content with life, and as the Gold Top milk comes through he gets his fill fairly soon and is back in bed asleep! He's done a couple of three hour sleeps today although at night he helpfully cuts this back to about an hour!!!

I actually remembered something the other day that happened in the hospital. We were given this huge document of data to check for errors. This will then go on file for Charlie and Mum. There was one error in that Charlie James was listed as female. I helpfully pointed out to the Midwives that while I was no expert I was fairly sure that our little man was just that!

Alfie continues to be the maturing big brother. We've manage to train him out of nappies just in time to save a few dollars on the weekly shop. He seems to be growing up in everyway everyday. Today he went out to the shops with Amy and Mitchell which gave Beth a chance to sleep and me a chance to cut the grass. We're both consious of giving Alfie time with Mum and Dad over the coming weeks so that he doesn't feel left out.... but for the moment he's enjoying being big brother. This afternoon I heard him on the baby monitor having a chat to a very milk drunk Charlie.

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