Thursday, May 06, 2010

Home Sweet Home ...

It's amazing to think we are already starting to talk about Charlie being three months old! Where has that time gone? Things certainly have been busier with the two but Char has been great (... so far!) and Alfie has been a good big brother. I was lucky to get two weeks off when he was born, we also had Beth's mum and dad here to help which was great. Beth had a week on her own and then I was on holiday for two weeks.

Term Two started at the same time that Alfie's carer took a three week holiday, leaving Beth to entertain both of the little treasures on her own five days a week! I have to say that she's done an amazing job... I'm not sure where she gets all the energy and patience from! I actually think that she's really enjoyed having Alfie home a little more. I've been returning home to brick towers, fully opperational rail networks and play dough meals!

With Alfie returning to family day care today things Beth can look forward to looking after number two and hopefully thinking of herself a little more ... she deserves to!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alfie you look tall and handsome!
Paul - Points for Beth appreciation!
Beth - So glad you are enjoying special time with Alfie & Charlie
Well Done Team Ivey! xxxx