Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dig Dig Dig....

With an Australian Summer approaching (... whhoooo hoo! ) there will be plenty of opportunities to take a dip and cool off. Alfie was getting quite confident come the end of last Summer but the Winter gave us limited opportunities to keep it up. Indoor pools are as rare as outdoor pools in the UK!

We took Alfie for a swimming assessment on Saturday so that he can start lessons. He got in willingly with the teacher with his backfloat (... Aussies call them Bubbles for some reason!?!) splashed around a bit but didn't manage to let go of his vice like grip on her arms. So we were told that he needs private lessons until he can doggy paddle with three bubbles.

Yesterday he went back to the pool for his first lesson with Mitchell. He was very excited and then a little confused when it wasn't the Mitchell he was expecting! However he soon got over that and managed to paddle with his 'Did Dig Dig' arms for a good 15-20minutes first with four bubbles and then three. Beth and I along with our wallets are hopeful that one more private lesson should crack it. Watch this space...


Anonymous said...

Well Done Alfie! Persevere!
Look forward to watching this space!

AmyJane said...

Lol. When we got ur text about private lessons we were confused too. We thought u were having a dog about mitchells swimming. Haha how funny.
Not to mention we all no longer have our own private pool (for a while - WE WILL BE BACK!)

Go Alfredo!! U can do it!! xoxo