Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chick, chick, chick, chicken...

The two chicks that Alfie and I looked after for a couple of weeks are doing well, in fact they are already getting their adult feathers. Last weekend we went across to see how they were going...

Now what I forgot to mention last time when posting about the chickens is that it proved to be an excellent opportunity to have some father and son time. I took the opportunity to explain some Rooster and Hen stuff. I waffled on about boy chicken and girl chicken for a while and I could tell that Alfie wasn't really listening. After I'd stopped he pointed to the Rooster with it's red triangular cones arranged on its head and said "Daddy what about the Dinosaur chicken?" I had to laugh up until the point where he went to the veggie patch pulled up a healthy corn plant, looked at the roots and said "Nope. No carrots here!" Kids say the funniest things!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous photos! and funny comments from Alfie! xxxx