Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas ...

We would like to wish you all where ever you are in the world a very Merry Christmas and may 2011 be everything that you hope for.

Lots of love

The Ivey's of Australia

Third time unlucky ...

We've been here in our house for less than four years and the water main has burst three times. Two strange squares of grass on what passes as a pavement in the UK are a constant reminder of when the ground opened up and the water spurted out into the air...

On Wednesday during a little party for Norma who looks after Alfie and Charlie a trickle soon became a steady flow and reduced much of the garden to puddles ... as well as the gardens beyond. So it was on to the water board who sent along a nice man with a can of yellow spray paint. He marked out where the offending section of pipe was before the digger arrived... with much excitement from Alf!

Basically the long and short of it is that its our section of pipe that takes the water to the meter from the main that has split. Luckily for us the rules on who pays for that section have changed so we won't be footing the $800 bill a couple of days before Christmas!

Ah the joys of home ownership!!! ;0)

Oh Dear ...

Still in it but I fear the tide may have turned ...

Summer Holiday ...

So we're four years into our Australian experience, and yet our feet don't seem to have touched the ground. We've had two children, picked up various part time and then permanent work, bought a house, extended it, purchased three cars and sold one!! Its fair to say we've been busy ... too busy for family holidays until now!

Last week we traveled with the aBecketts and Mung-hams (sorry couldn't resist!) to South West Rocks which is about four and a half hours up the coast for some camping. While we were there we also managed to catch up with the Murdoch's and the Reece's which made for a perfect week.... between us we had nine children the oldest of which isn't yet four!!! ... Amy and Mitch must have wondered what had hit them!

We were camping about a two minute walk from the beach, which can feel surprisingly long when weighed down with the worldly goods of a three and a half year old and his his younger brother required for a day at the beach. The weather was kind in the most part although a thunder storm on the Thursday night was ... character building!

I'm not sure that it left Beth and I feeling all that relaxed, in fact the longest conversation we had was on the way home and the books we took remain unread, that said we've booked again for next year so it couldn't have been that bad!

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Month by Month ...

Here's a little update in our not so little boys month by month albums ...

You wait a while for a post then three come along at once! ;0)

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

The Ashes ...

Just a quick thanks to Andrew Strauss and the boys for making my life bearable (..and all the more sweet!) here in Australia ...

... keep up the good work!

Look out it's Spiderman ...

Alfie was given a Spiderman suit by a neighbour a couple of weeks ago and he loves it ...

He's pretty much Spiderman most of the time now and takes offence to him being referred to as Alfie. He has even been known to sleep in it! With the weather up towards the thirties most days it's not a good time of the year to be an one piece polyester clad super hero... so we on occasion hide the suit!

Even super heroes need a day off right?

Monday, December 06, 2010

Jumping Castle ...

Yeah me! Two posts in two days... anyway...

... about a month ago Beth came up with the idea of buying a jumping castle (A bouncy castle for UK readers!) Now these things don't come cheap so Beth hatched a plan of getting a syndicate of people together who have small kids that need entertaining...

... $50 later, that's about thirty of the Queens pounds, we've a part share in endless hours of entertained kids. Entertaining the kids is up there with "Happy wife happy life!" in my book!

We got the Jumping castle guys over for a jump and everyone seemed to be quite impressed. We circulated a calendar for next year and booked in the birthday weekends.... it also means that we get invited to all the parties which is great (I think!?!).

As you can see from the smiles it's clearly a hit with the little people...

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Movember ...

Okay okay so another month passes and no updates... I've got a whole heap of excuses but they are all pretty much the same as last months so go check them! Movemeber wasn't all work, work, work though as I did manage to grow a moustache...

Yes this is a months growth!!!

It was all in a good cause Movember! However its December now and its gone ... thank goodness you all say! ;0)

Today marks the onslaught of daily updates (promise!)in the run up to Christmas so you can pass away those last days in the offices wherever you are in the World!;0)