Monday, December 06, 2010

Jumping Castle ...

Yeah me! Two posts in two days... anyway...

... about a month ago Beth came up with the idea of buying a jumping castle (A bouncy castle for UK readers!) Now these things don't come cheap so Beth hatched a plan of getting a syndicate of people together who have small kids that need entertaining...

... $50 later, that's about thirty of the Queens pounds, we've a part share in endless hours of entertained kids. Entertaining the kids is up there with "Happy wife happy life!" in my book!

We got the Jumping castle guys over for a jump and everyone seemed to be quite impressed. We circulated a calendar for next year and booked in the birthday weekends.... it also means that we get invited to all the parties which is great (I think!?!).

As you can see from the smiles it's clearly a hit with the little people...

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