Saturday, January 08, 2011

Christmas 2010 ...

This Christmas was certainly a busy and enjoyable one. In the build up we seemed to be busy picking something up, visiting someone or simply trying to recover from the camping trip.

Alfie was certainly 12months wiser on the Christmas front and the "Santa only gives presents to Good Boys!" line was well used to the point that we'd need to come up with something for the other eleven months. The kids had a great time with Alfie getting a new bike which remained in the middle of the living room as we walked around it with smaller presents. He also got a trampoline for the garden which thankfully Santa delivered fully assembled so that I wouldn't need to spend any time out in the dark with a torch on Christmas Eve!

We had fourteen for Christmas dinner served on three tables outside. Sun burn was a greater risk than the frost bite we'd have experienced at home. We welcomed the Walkers of Australia as well those from the UK. We also invited some other Brits over to share the day. Its hard when you celebrate the day without your family. We had the traditional Christmas dinner with the BBQ being used to cook the beef and the spuds.

After the meal it was very much the same... time for a nap if you could find a quiet spot although we replaced the Queens speech and Quality Street with some more beers in the garden and a slip and slide!

Thanks so much to everyone who send cards and gifts for the kids, they had a wonderful time and so many toys to play with! On Boxing Day Beth went to Sydney for the start of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, I stayed at home with Charles and Alfie - it was the easiest day of child care in history!

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