Friday, February 04, 2011

Australia Day ...

Australia Day is widely celebrated Down Under. As a public holiday (this year on a Wednesday) people often dress up, fly the flag and hit the beach. We did the same (this time next year we should be genuine Aussies!) and entered into the spirit of things. After a swim on the beach avoiding the jellyfish we decided to hit the inflatable water park where anything floating by would likely to be less painful!

Behind the water park was a helicopter taking short trips around the beaches and harbour. Now you can't let the kids have all the fun can you?

So we hopped in and saw our city from a different angle...

Month by Month ...

Here is an update to the boy's month by month slideshows ... 

Feelin HOT, HOT, HOT ...

We've had some very strange weather here in Australia this month. We had flooding in Queensland and some parts of New South Wales, then the Cyclone hit North Queensland. Closer to home we've experienced a heatwave that has broken all records in terms of consecutive hot days. With this being the first full week at school we were confronted with temperatures around forty degrees. Not pleasant when you are teaching in long trousers, shirt and tie. We've been doing everything we can to stay cool during the day and night (which hasn't dropped below 25!) including having the air conditioner running 24 hours, something of a rarity for us.

Here's our guide for staying cool ... (it might come in useful for the UK summer!)

1. Fill any container with cold water and sit in it... invite your brother in.

2. Hit the beach ... its cooler there!

3. More water fun!

4. You can't get enough cold water!

5. Wear ... sorry Eat an ice cream!

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

In the holidays we took the train to Sydney for a day out at Taronga Zoo. It's quite a trip made all the more interesting with two kids under four. Beth and I traveled return for $2.50 so it was great value when you consider that we took trains and ferry's.

The Walkers of Bristol and Dudley came too and enjoyed a family day out. Charlie was taken by the bird show and came face to face with a swooping owl!

Alfie clearly enjoyed the seal show and the cable car ride through the Zoo.

It was a long but enjoyable day... so much so that Charlie didn't sleep through any part of it as not to miss anything.

1st Day of (pre) School ...

With the end of January comes the end of the school holidays and the start of a new school year. This was a special time of year for Alfie who put on his school uniform for the first time and set off for his first day at the Pre-School at my school. Such was the importance of the occasion that we traveled in two cars as Nan and Gramps came along for the big day.

He's been at family day care for a long time and spent some time at a local pre school nearer home so he seemed to take it all in his stride.

So now on two mornings a week I have the pleasure of Alf's company for a thirty five minute car journey and interrogation by "Why?" questions!

Anniversary #5 ...

Beth and I celebrated our fifth wedding anniversary with a rare, if a little eventful day off. We started out at the beach for a morning swim after breakfast. This culminated in me having to rescue a small boy from a rip in the surf. Right place at that the right time.

After that we went home before setting out for the cinema. We treated ourselves to the Gold Lounge, complete with leather recliners, drinks and nibbles.

After that it was off to a local restaurant for a bite to eat. A lovely day ...