Friday, February 04, 2011

Feelin HOT, HOT, HOT ...

We've had some very strange weather here in Australia this month. We had flooding in Queensland and some parts of New South Wales, then the Cyclone hit North Queensland. Closer to home we've experienced a heatwave that has broken all records in terms of consecutive hot days. With this being the first full week at school we were confronted with temperatures around forty degrees. Not pleasant when you are teaching in long trousers, shirt and tie. We've been doing everything we can to stay cool during the day and night (which hasn't dropped below 25!) including having the air conditioner running 24 hours, something of a rarity for us.

Here's our guide for staying cool ... (it might come in useful for the UK summer!)

1. Fill any container with cold water and sit in it... invite your brother in.

2. Hit the beach ... its cooler there!

3. More water fun!

4. You can't get enough cold water!

5. Wear ... sorry Eat an ice cream!

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