Sunday, June 19, 2011

Super Party ...

We had a Super Day for Alfie's birthday party way back in May. There were about twenty super heroes running around and one Super Woman/Mum! Unfortunately Dad's super hero costume didn't arrive until the day after! ... I'm keen to hear of anyone having a Superhero costume so I can wear it...

Charlie (aka SuperBoy) found a balloon and occupied himself for hours. We sometimes question why we buy him anything other than a dustpan and brush and a bag of balloons.

To the (roof of) the Bat Cave! Batman and Robin invite Superman around for a well deserved rest after party games and fighting crime.

Pass the parcel was a hit... amazingly everyone won a prize ... not in my day! While we're on the subject of new innovations at birthdays Alfie also had a pinata which was hung from a tree. The Superhero's then took it in turns with a cricket stump to smash it so that the sweets came out. Amazingly nobody lost an eye and after a few swings each everyone was on the floor gathering the lollies!

Then it was birthday cake for everyone... you know the type that harbors almost every germ know to man as twenty pre schoolers blow all over it taking turns to blow the candles out! ;0)

Meanwhile back in the ball pool SuperBoy ditched the balloons for well you can see!.... ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super write-up on Super Party!
Fun photos and love the 'germ' comments on blowing out candles!
You are a SuperDad even without the outfit!Well done to SuperMum as well!
Invincible Iveys - Happy Heroes! xxxx