Thursday, September 29, 2011

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting ...

It's the holidays, its raining, Beth is in bed sick and the kids have cabin fever... lets get out ... somewhere ... anywhere!

In my desperation we end up at the shopping centre. A luck would have it Kung Fu Panda is in town ... time for the boys to let off some steam with some Kung u Fighting. I think they enjoyed it... what do you think?

Backyardigans ...

Plans are afoot in the back garden to make use of the space down in the far corner. Its all gone a bit crazy down there in the spot where a plastic potting greenhouse once proudly stood. More recently its become a dumping ground for pruned ferns, trees and piles of leaves ... well its time to take control.

We'll post some pictures (if) when we make progress.

Welcome Home ...

While Team Reece were relaxing in Sydney (...delivering Lily! ;0) ) House Reece was having a delivery of its own ... all their household belongs returned home.

Amy and Mitch have been away in Armadale for a year which is about a four and half hour drive (nine hours if I'm driving!) away. We were brave enough to do the trip once ... that put us off trying again!

It will certainly be good to have them back across the road although things will have changed just a little bit ... currently by about 1.6kg!

Welcome to the World: Lily Jane Reece

Please welcome the beautiful Lily Jane Reece...

She was born 25th September, and arrived little earlier than planned after Amy suffered from Pre-eclampsia. Measuring in at 1.519kgs and 42.5cm she fighting fit just needing little assistance to breath.

Lily is a symbol for purity, innocence, beauty and strength.... looks like she got the right name. Our thoughts and congratulations go out to Amy, Mitch and Lily for the next few weeks... we hope to have them all home from Sydney as soon as they are good and ready!

School Holidays ...

In the absence of anything more blog worthy here's a picture of Alfie snapped at school. You have to say its a lot better than I used to get at school ... where is the fake cloud background for goodness sake.

It captures Alfie's personality who incidentally has changed the well known parental phrase "What on Earth are you doing?" to "What are you doing on Earth?" which is far more profound. ;0)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nice one Alfie ...

Any parent knows that when your kids are quiet they're up to something. So when my phone gets an email I read it and I see eBay "Congratulations you've won a bagless vacuum cleaner!" I'm like "Beth"... and she's like "ALFIE!"

Alfie will be making good use of his new "toy" in coming months!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Mum ...

With everyone back at work this morning Sunday provided the perfect opportunity to celebrate Beth's birthday in the Sunshine. It was up and out in the morning as we went to the local indoor play centre for a leisurely breakfast with friends.

Later it was over to the Murdoch's house for some slip and slide action and a bite to eat in the evening. A great day...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Beach Life ...

Taken with Instagram @ Dudley Beach. Winter 2011.

Swimming ...

Alfie has made quite a bit of progress with his swimming - from clingy crying kid who would make himself sick before swimming to proud Graduate of Red Group! Here's a clip of him diving (falling with style!) into the pool and swimming a width.

Think 2012 selection is out of the question although by Rio 2016 he might be ready for selection or have actually completed his width! ;0)


The Summer veggies are in ...

... here's to a bumper crop! Head Gardeners to arrive end of November!!

Firemen ...

Here's a picture of Alfie and his Pre-School buddy at our school book week parade. Each week we dress as our favourite book characters and parade for the rest of the school, and this year the Pre-Schoolers got to come along and watch.

It was quite strange sitting their as a teacher watching Alfie at school, he is growing up so fast and it was quite strange. The good thing was that Beth was there working on the same day so mum and dad were both there working!

He'll have another year at Pre-School next year and will start Kindergarten in January 2013. He can go next year but we've decided to hold off for another year. Its quite a decision to make for parents with mid year birthday children, Alfie's not ready for 2012 in many ways but its horses for courses.

Brotherly Love ...

Ahhh brotherly love ...

... at least I think its a cuddle!

Alfie and Charlie in a rare moment of non Tom and Jerry-esque chasing where one of them (... normally Alfie!) ends up getting flogged with a plastic golf club!

What do you need an umbrella for in Australia?

... to keep the sprinkler drops off that's what!

Seriously though we are looking forward to the Summer having emerged from the depths of Winter. You might laugh but the weather isn't always the blue skies and sunshine that this blog might suggest. The fact that we've not been out and about much taking snaps for you guys is a good indication.

The Youth of Today ...

Much was made here in Australia of the riots in England last month. Most people asked me about it mostly because they were bemused by the whole thing. The "people" (can't think of a better word to describe these people!) that got news airtime to explain their reasons for destroying their neighbourhood could barely string a sentence together!

What for Alfie and Charlie's generation?!? These caught in the act shots from a recent birthday party are a cause for concern as they all made a beeline for the beers...

Lucy goes for an apple juice... fermented!?!

Jasper - "Do you really need to see my ID?"

Lucy comes back for another ... Charlie a victim of peer pressure!

Who wants to tell Daniel he can't have another? ... Thomas Burberry shirt!

No real children were harmed, drank beer or ate late night Kebabs in the making of this post!

Month by Month update...

Okay okay ... so you're laughing because I should have titled this post "Season by Season!" Yes its been a while but here's to some more frequent posting in coming weeks. To wet your appetite here are some reccent pictures of the boys...

Alfie Jack...

Charlie James...