Monday, September 12, 2011

Firemen ...

Here's a picture of Alfie and his Pre-School buddy at our school book week parade. Each week we dress as our favourite book characters and parade for the rest of the school, and this year the Pre-Schoolers got to come along and watch.

It was quite strange sitting their as a teacher watching Alfie at school, he is growing up so fast and it was quite strange. The good thing was that Beth was there working on the same day so mum and dad were both there working!

He'll have another year at Pre-School next year and will start Kindergarten in January 2013. He can go next year but we've decided to hold off for another year. Its quite a decision to make for parents with mid year birthday children, Alfie's not ready for 2012 in many ways but its horses for courses.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Handsome Fireman Sams!
Good Kindergarten decision. xx xx