Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Swimming Sensations ...

With everyone back in the land of the living after both Beth and I sucummed to the "two days in bed" bug we ventured off to swimming lessons on Friday. Being on holiday this is rare opportunity to check in on Alfie's progress towards the 2020 Olympics! I only get to see him every ten weeks so I'm always amazed how much progress he has made.

He now swims without floats and is working on the finer points of being streamlined, pushing and gliding (apparently!), quite a change from the boy would would make himself sick before he got in!

Charlie on the other hand loves the water and doesn't mind the odd dunking, he has however taken something of a dislike to his "take no s**t nonsense" teacher ... she scares me! Still I'm sure its good for him!?!?

Here's a couple of clips of the boys in action... points of note here are Charlie's smile and Alfie's willingness to stay under for longer ... "I might be at the wall but my practices in the bath holding my breath aren't for nothing you know!" ... "Alf ... ALF ... you can come up now!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So looking forward to seeing Swimming Sensations soon!! Amazing progress! Well done! Beth with persevering!
Lovely smile Charles and
BREATHE Alf!! xx xx

Early blog posting Paul! - glad Iveys are better and hope you all enjoy rest of hols! xxxx