Monday, August 14, 2006

The Hamilton Trust

Here are a few of pictures of the office so that you can get an idea of where I'm working. As you can see it's quite small but gets very busy (when there are people in it ... and its not 7pm!) For those that don't know the teachers become Friends of the Hamilton Trust by making various donations, in return we provide resources and planning that they can use in the classroom.

I'm really enjoying my work up here, although it is really hard to be away from Beth. Still it's only for a few months before we move and I'm sure the experience will be a valuable one.


Anonymous said...

Wow, that office looks fab, can I work there please!
Bet it's soooo nice to work there, bet the people are really lovely!

Paul and Beth said...

Mmmmmm! Me thinks you already work in the office mystery poster! ;0)