Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We're going to the Zoo, Zoo, Zoo!

The Walkers gave a warm Bristol welcome at the weekend to the Evan's family and a scary amount of children/baby related equipment. A Friday night arrival and falling asleep on the carpet was followed by a Saturday trip to the Zoo. Beth started the Zoo experience by immediately saying that she would ask for her money back after the Tiger refused to roar, there were also no elephants and the Polar Bear was long gone!!!! She soon warmed up and we enjoyed pushing Hannah around while Toby caught on some much needed sleep. Lloyd and I amused ourselves with various Animal vrs Human contests, that got us flapping like a humming bird in full view of the public before pushing small children out of the way to take on the Cheetah at running. Whilst it was close Lloyd and I could only manage five toed Elephant Shrew speed (running through open forest!!!) ... arms still ache due to flapping!

A brief picnic lunch was followed by safety patrol in the children's playground, watching Hannah throw herself down slides of various sizes! Meanwhile Toby did a bit of eating before catching up on some sleep, but not before a quick giggle with Auntie Beth!

Best animal was the red panda in the absence of a Wombat! Best human went to the woman at the sealion pool who was seen clapping like one!!!

We made it home via a series of death defying U turns!

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