Sunday, December 10, 2006

Moving Madness...

Well the day finally came around and with some last ditch packing of things that we didn’t really need we headed off to Heathrow with Lou and Lloyd in a hired car with every inch of space taken up. The journey was uneventful other than spending time chatting about stuff old and new.

In the airport we had some lunch, realised that we didn’t have any Malaysian currency and got in the check in line. For fans of the TV show the apprentice we saw Said, I pointed him out to Lloyd and we proceeded to stalk him for the next hour or so!

At the front of the check in line we were confronted with Malaysian Airlines Gumpiest Employee of the month who insisted that we weren’t going to get our 40kg allowance despite our tickets clearly saying that we had. Anyway we were moved out of the line and moved to the “lack of” Customer Service desk. We quickly established that we did have a 40kg allowance each before establishing that we were still 20kg over!!! Not a problem we thought… a little excess baggage £20 , £50 or £100 you would think?..... no £780 to which we burst out laughing! Made all the funnier by the fact that that was more than our flight in the first place…. Would love to have bought a ticket for the bag and had it next to me wearing headphones, a little seatbelt and having inflight meals.

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