Monday, January 15, 2007

Anniversary Weekend

Nearly a year on from our big day Beth and I went out for a meal on the Saturday with Matt and Sharron, which was one of those spur of the moment things. We then went to a bar and had a couple more drinks there.

On the Sunday I treated Beth to breakfast before we went outside to open some cards and gifts. All the gifts were practical ones as we start to stock up on all the things we sold before we left the UK. As a result Beth was delighted (check the picture!) with her toaster and kettle while I was treated to a coffee pod machine (which actually was a really nice gift!) We also had some other practical gifts like coffee cups and saucers, T-towels and another toaster from Beth's mum and dad, and the all important wine glasses from Matt and Sharron as well as a boules set, we'll give that a spin when we're next on the beach.

In the afternoon Beth and I had a paddle down on the beach, and found the water cold even though it was a warm day. The weather is doing strange things at the moment and is very changable, some warm days followed by a cloudy day or so. Usually at this time of the year the weather can get very warm and very settled with sunny day after sunny day. Most people blame us for bringing the weather with us. Anyway the sea is cold at the moment due to the wind direction which is taking the shallow water up to 25m off the beach which warms in Summer off shore... leaving colder water behind.

In the evening Beth and I had a fantastic meal including a complementary mussel ravioli which I felt obliged to eat... most people know I don't really do fish, although I did eat some the other week (Am I rambling today??) A fantastic day that brought many memories of that day last year flooding back.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hi Guys,
I know it's a late one, but congratulations on surviving one year of each other, you both look fantastic with it! we miss you loads over here but are glad you are both so happy.
lots of love, annie and dan