Monday, February 25, 2008

Beach Life...

With the sun shining at last there was a great opportunity to get down to the beach and dip a toe or two in the water. The weather has been really strange with wet humid conditions for most of the Summer. However without sounding too much like moaning Poms we took the opportunity and went on both days.

Saturday was spent down at the Canoe Pool, which protected Alfie from some pretty big surf, many of the beaches were actually closed. Alfie likes the pool as he can splash his way around, meet some other kids and generally have a great time. We met another family there with a boy the same age as Alfie and we got chatting as they played. By chance Caleb's mum runs a mother and baby group not a million miles from where we live so I think that Alfie and Beth are going to give it a go this week!

We captured this clip on the digital camera. Apologies to Beth as I thought that it wouldn't record sound... what do I know! :0)

On the Sunday is was time to go to Stockton Beach with Kate, Matt and Ben and take the opportunity to get those body boards wet for the first time in a very long time. Alfie was having one of those days and removed his Baby Sunglasses and hat at every opportunity. Ben however managed to keep his on and look quite the Surf Dude. It was a great weekend and a reminder of what Australia has to offer when the sunshines ... which the brochure told us it would do all the time! ;0)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

29.2.08 Hi Paul - great newsy blog! well done with Dowdeswell Wood.Resevoir - hope you had provisions when cyling through woods!ie.not eaten them at the start! Beautiful video of Alfie at canoe pool and photos at gymbaroo -
is he a joy! Hope HVGS is going well. Good news with Newcastle Jets - walkers will be pleased!How are plants/seeds? Hope comments are reaching you - am following instructions. Resent your skype email to Sue Gamlin - apparently she hadn't received Jan.08 email!
Hope you are well. Jean and John xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx