Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What a twelve months...

With little over a week until Alfie turns one its time to take a look back at the last twelve months. I guess its not surprising that Alfie has become the star attraction of this blog and the subject of thousands photographs. It's hard to imagine our lives without him, in fact we struggle to remember what it was like before that day in May. We feel that we have really settled into family life and enjoy the smiles, laughs and happiness that raising an Alfie can bring.

Some of you may remember the monthly videos that I used to create? You might also have noticed that they disappeared about eight months ago!!! They were pretty time consuming to create and keeping the blog ticking over is enough work what with everything else. However I couldn't let this special moment in his and our lives pass without another. So sit back and enjoy...


Anonymous said...

Fears and JOY
Alfie Jack - Amazing Boy

Hi Iveys
On Points West - local tv news programme - viewers have been asked to sum up - life - thoughts, etc. in 6 words - it's been an emotive v interesting exercise - Alfie is SO special - had to use 10words!
Immediately video started with - music, words and pictures - still felt tears, fears, then Happiness and Joy - video on a par with first video - Q. Was music by Athlete or other? - not that good on bands/music!
Pauly - thanks, again, for all your considerable time and efforts in making emotive - and fun! video(s) - loved clip of Alfie starting to walk towards end of video!
Paul - Fabulous Father!
Beth - Marvellous Mother!
- look up Fabulous and Marvellous in dictionary! - amazing is the theme!
Alfie - Amazing and Awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a special year for you all. So lovely to see how far Alfie has come in that time - they grow up so fast! He is gorgeous! Believe it or not, Lucy goes full time at school from September - the end of a special era for me... and the start of a new one for her! Enjoy every moment you have! Lots of love to you all, Donna xxx