It feels like yesterday and that we are very much settling into life in Australia. We still call the UK home, but we are slowly becoming Australian-ised! Still missing friends and family at home but made some great ones here too! Life has changed so much in the last two years for us, Alfie has certainly shaken things up! But its good to sit back on days like today and think about what has been achieved in those two years. I think we underestimated what moving to the other side of the planet with nothing would feel like. Sometimes we feel like strangers in a foriegn land, and there have been highs and lows particularly through the first year. We've come through it... I am actually looking forward to my first paid holidays in three years and the chance to relax and explore whats on the doorstep as a family.
Now that the two years is up we can book in for our Citizenship tests. Beth and I need to start some revison sessions...
Australia's improved over the last couple of years. Thanks for that.
We remember that day and our journey to and from the airport very well!
Love to you all.
Lou and Lloyd (birthday boy) Evans
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