Friday, January 30, 2009

Congratulations Jo and Brendon...

Things have been pretty busy of late and so there have been few updates. I'll try and get you all up to speed on What's Doing Down Under. We were delighted to be invited to the Wedding of Jo and Brendon at a local church. I was working with Jo last year and we struck up quite a friendship, I'm pleased that I am working with her again this year although the name change is a little confusing!

Beth and I had a wonderful day, taking in everything during the ceremony and enjoying the evening meal and festivities. Both Jo and Brendon looked great, it was great share their day. Thanks guys...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Paul
Beautiful Bride & Great Groom!
+ bonus as Nan & Gramps had a very lovely fun day looking after amazing Alfie - wow! our days are quite the same here!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jean & John xxx