What's doing down under? you may ask, well the obvious answer is quite a bit, so much so that finding the time, inspiration or motivation to write about it has been a challenge. Here are my list of excuses...
Excuse One: Beth has been pretty much been working full time with me at school and this has meant some very early mornings and late nights. We were often carrying a very sleepy Alfie to the car at 6:45am to get him to childcare for 7am, before doing an about turn to get to school before 8am. School is a good thirty five minutes away and so it's something of a mission, to get everyone up and out of the door, fully dressed with everything they need for the day. having said all that the money is very useful...
Excuse Two: The blogging has also taken a backseat after our camera expired on us. We were lucky to have been loaned Amy and Mitchell's but having seen at first hand the abuse that ours is subjected to we were hesitant to make too much use of it! We found out today that our camera will be resurrected soon and so something like normal service will resume. In short
pictures tell a thousand words or so we are told, and with little time and my slower than slow typing speed factored in blogging has become non existent.
Excuse Three: Weekends have also become something of a blur with all the stuff that Beth does during the week (... pretty much everything around the home!) being left until the Saturday. Football training has started and we've had a couple of great house guests in the shape of Liam and Joel for the last weekends. Busy, busy, busy...
Excuse Four: Ross River Fever. Its back and as bad as before, which is about par for the course, it hangs around like glandular fever. Not much fun and without a conventional cure or treatment, so I'm going to try and get some herbal medicines that I've been recommended. I'm constantly tired, lethargic, lack patience and sleepy.... some would say these symptoms are hard to spot in my case!
Having heard all the woes of the Ivey World that here are some much needed updates and a promise to post more often....