Sunday, October 25, 2009

Run for Research....

Another busy weekend passes us by! It all started on Saturday with a trip to the Gym ... no not more Ivey rabbiting on about fitness... this time it was Alfie's turn. He is going back to Gymbaroo this term on Saturdays with daddy. He got off to a good start and joined in with most of the activities... we were actually pleased considering how tired he was from cousin Joel's birthday the night before which resulted in lots of running around, a late night and a very tired little boy.

The rest of Saturday was taken up with gardening, grass cutting and food shopping and those other things that need to be done like clearing out the kitchen cupboards and finding all the lids to the plastic containers ... I kid you not!!

On Sunday it we were up bright and early... although it was more early than bright as rain threatened. We went along with Alfie, Amy and Mitchel to the AVON Race for Research in town. This years 5km race attracted over 3,000 runners and walkers to raise money to help find a cure for breast cancer.

... Amy and Beth set off from the back of the back and were last at one stage... although with encouragement from Alfie, a lengthy stride from a pregnant Beth and Amy scuttling along behind soon saw them move through the crowd. Alfie was interested in checking out all the other strollers and dogs along the way before sitting back for an in-flight movie!!!

... a strong finish!

Mitch and I managed to find our way to the front at the start and therefore had a much clearer route. Mitch will regret being introduced to some of my running buddies who dragged him around on a few warm up laps of the park. Mitch said that he thought the first 1km was for warming up!!!

... I ran most of the way with my mate Dave who finished in 3rd place in the Seniors category (over 50's!) I was fairly pleased with my time compared to the same distance on the track. Rumour is that the route was about 300 metres too long and it did turn out to be quite a warm morning .... Enough excuses for now! ;0)

A great day for a great cause...


The results are in I finshed 20th while Beth and Alfie finshed a very impressive 676th, an impressive placing out of the 3000+ runners when twenty four weeks pregnant and pushing a stroller!


Dave Marianne & Jacob said...

Well done guys, you are both brill. My auntie had her breast removed last week, so means a little bit more to me. Hugs Marianne xxx

Anonymous said...

Great Cause! Great Photos of Team Ivey including Bub! & Amy & Mitchel.
Good Time - not excuses just facts!
Yes, Spring has sprung! - grass cutting & Spring cleaning kitchen cupboards! - the joys of home ownership! We always enjoy your comments - makes us smile even on a grey and dreary UK Autumn morning!
xx xx xx xx

Anonymous said...

Alfie - Well Done with Gymbaroo!
Also, we loved the photo of you enjoying your in-flight movie! We will soon be enjoying in-flight movies as well!look forward to seeing you v soon! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx