Monday, January 25, 2010

Baby Shower ...

Last weekend Beth held her Baby Shower at home. Being from the UK we're new to the whole thing ... although I did read that this excuse for ladies to get together get rid of the men and drink is becoming popular in the UK too! ... wonder why!

There was quite a crowd which increased in size as the dads came along with all the kids. We were blessed with some lovely weather (... a first for an Ivey social!) and all the bamboo furniture was well used. Sharron and Sara put a lot of work into the day, Amy came along with a huge pile of cupcakes and everyone who came along made it a fantastic event.

Thanks to Kate for the photographs, they really capture the mood! She was at our place this morning taking some pictures of Beth and Bump... Alf and I even managed to get in on the act. Watch this space for some perfect pictures soon ...

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