Thursday, April 15, 2010

Caves Beach ...

If you asked Alfie what his favourite beach was up until about a week ago, he would have replied "Bar Beach." There isn't anything spectacular about it if you are a a (nearly) three year old other than they sell chips and icecream there!

Although last week we went along to investigate the caves at Caves Beach. There are several short tunnels from a large cave which make their way through the headland. The one above is about the biggest, the smallest requires you to lie flat on the sand and wriggle through like a worm for about ten metres.

Charlie seems to have developed a liking for the beach enjoying the sand between his toes to go along with all the fluff he seems to store there. Although when giving the opportunity to dip a toe he voiced his disapproval.

While Alfie and I went for a paddle and a scramble on the rocks, Beth and Charlie enjoyed the shade in the cave...

Alfie seems to have gained a lot of confidence in the water and doesn't get too upset when he pushes his boundry a little too far and a wave cleans him up! We're looking to get him some swim lessons over the winter so that he can enjoy the beach even more next Summer.

... Alfie at the entrance to the Cave.

... before going on another mission! Caves Beach seems to be the favourite for the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family pictures - wish we were there! xx
Alfie - Gramps says enjoy caves -
Nanny says - B CAREFUL!