Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tissue! What tissue? ...

Alfie has discovered like most boys (... and girls!) that you can get by without a tissue. Follow these easy steps...

1. Nose starts to run.
2. Extend index finger.
3. Place beneath nose.
4. Draw back finger across your face towards ear.
5. Should nose continue to run repeat steps 1-4 alternating between left and right sides.
6. Now start collecting mud/dust/sand/food stuffs to complete the look!

... and the all important step.

7. Resist all attempts to remove the snot-stache or boggie wiskers with a wet wipe!

Taken by now award winning photographer, friend and all round nice person Kate. Check out KaTE aBECKETT PHOTOGRaPHY for some more of her work.


Anonymous said...

Alfie - Now he is a mature person Grampy uses handkerchiefs (hankies)
but was probably the same as you many years ago! Grampy loved the photo! - xx

AmyJane said...

Lol. So true!!
Wat a stylish look.
Who needs makeup. Lol