Wednesday, November 03, 2010

From little things ...

... big things grow!

Alfie is certainly shooting up and growing in so many ways. He is quite a character with a vivid imagination, we thought he was a little slow on the uptake with the talking but he's making up for the slow start. He asks a myriad of questions and won't accept I don't know as an answer - "Why you don't know?"

He remains a wonderful big brother to Charles and sociable generally. We were at the local pool last weekend where there is a park area for the kids to play. A large group of slightly older kids were playing together when one of the group who obviously all knew each other said "Let's get back into the pool.""Yeah!" they shouted and made for the pool, Alfie who had yet to introduce himself to the group also shouted "Yeah" and followed them much to their bemusement!

It was only this week that I looked back at some pictures of him as a baby, its amazing to think that it was such a tough start for this little seed. He's become quite a sweet little seedling ... hopefully with the right amounts of water, nutrients and sunshine the boy and teenager stages will be as strong healthy and positive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alfie - always a sweet seedling and will continue to grow beautifully - always an amazing adventure ........
Charles - is a second sweet seedling growing beautifully ................
We will have to brush up on our knowledge for Question Time(s)! xxxx