Thursday, December 23, 2010

Summer Holiday ...

So we're four years into our Australian experience, and yet our feet don't seem to have touched the ground. We've had two children, picked up various part time and then permanent work, bought a house, extended it, purchased three cars and sold one!! Its fair to say we've been busy ... too busy for family holidays until now!

Last week we traveled with the aBecketts and Mung-hams (sorry couldn't resist!) to South West Rocks which is about four and a half hours up the coast for some camping. While we were there we also managed to catch up with the Murdoch's and the Reece's which made for a perfect week.... between us we had nine children the oldest of which isn't yet four!!! ... Amy and Mitch must have wondered what had hit them!

We were camping about a two minute walk from the beach, which can feel surprisingly long when weighed down with the worldly goods of a three and a half year old and his his younger brother required for a day at the beach. The weather was kind in the most part although a thunder storm on the Thursday night was ... character building!

I'm not sure that it left Beth and I feeling all that relaxed, in fact the longest conversation we had was on the way home and the books we took remain unread, that said we've booked again for next year so it couldn't have been that bad!

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