Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Get out the Bath!

The Sunday was spent avoiding all conversations about camper vans! To take our mind off things we drove to Bath to have a wander and to play in the park! Bath itself was a bustling place (even on a Sunday) that I can't remember having visited before. Lloyd tried to convince us that a really nice place to have a bite to eat and a coffee had been transformed into a rugby shop .... mmmmMMMMMM! We did eventually find a nice little place to eat where we could listen to Michael Jackson whilst eating Paninis. Hannah entertained anyone who would watch by waving at them, something she had worked on perfecting in IKEA carpark on the Saturday night!

After a stroll around the city centre reminding Beth that we really don't need to be buying anything else before we fly out!!!! we made our way to a huge park where lots of children played on a huge variety of equipment under the watchful eyes of their seemingly exhausted parents! Toby got his first swing while Hannah continued to get stuck into wet sand, high slides and swings without any fear.

Again another fantastic weekend, with a tinge of sadness! It feels like that Hannah and Toby will probably be far to big for our laps by the time we return or they venture down under. Adults don't change much.... in the life of a child a week is a long time! In that time they can say a new word, crawl those few further inches and bring a smile to your face with something new and unexpected. We'll need to make every effort to stay in touch so we don't miss out!

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