Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Busy Weekend...

We've had a pretty busy weekend here in the Land of Oz. On Saturday morning my Under Nine football team played their last game of the season. We had a season of mixed results (losing as many as we won!) and a cup run which can be considered a positive one for a team that hadn't won for three years.

It was then back to Newcastle for a must win game for Dudley Redhead in the afternoon. We managed to win our Saturday game 4-2 after going behind twice. That set up the possibility of becoming Minor Premiers for winning the league. In the afternoon we caught up with Matt and Sharron for a bite to eat and to look at the pictures and video from their Fiji holiday ... have to say it looked amazing! We need to start saving the pennies... sorry cents!

On Sunday morning, another where Alfie slept until 8:30am (How lucky are we?) we took a trip into town and spent some time on the beach. Alfie was as keen as ever to get wet but we managed to keep him on dry land.

In the afternoon it was back to the soccer pitch for our last game which we had to win. We managed to win 2-0 and so a new trophy will be making an appearance soon ... Beth is delighted she loves them!!! I also managed to pick up a very sore, throbbing and now black big toe. I managed to play most of the second half with it, but it could be enough to keep me out of the Finals which are two weeks away. Not had much luck with injuries this season, broken rib and now I think the toe has gone too. I'm getting too old for all this I think!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pauly

A Busy Weekend! - Well Done with Under Nines and Dudley Redhead - sorry to hear about big toe - I did a similar injury many years ago (on back garden step!) v painful but did heal eventually - hope yours does as well - probably no netball for a while?
Yes Fiji photos looked v inviting!
Lovely images of Iveys@Nobby's? - hopefully Fijian temperatures will soon arrive!
Great to catch up on skype -
With love - Jean and John xxxx