Sunday, February 22, 2009

What's it all about Alfie?

The name Alfie always seem to provoke some reaction. We are often asked if its really Alfred (no ... unless he's pushing his luck!) and whether he'll turn out like the Alfie made famous by Micheal Caine in the movie of the same name! Last week there was plenty of Alfie related discussion! However the more the world learns about pre-teen dad Alfie Patten and his 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman, the worse it gets.

... (the baby is the one at the bottom!)

The Dominion Post in New Zealand writes.

Alfie, the British tabloids report, is not Chantelle's only admirer. Several teenage boys in the Sussex town of Eastbourne have ventured the opinion that they might be the father of week-old Maisie. Behind them, parents dazzled by the lure of tabloid pounds are pushing the claims of their offspring.

If this were the plot for a television soap opera it might be amusing. Alfie, all 1.22m of him, is promising to stand by Chantelle and Maisie even though he doesn't know what "financially" means, and doesn't get pocket money. Chantelle is insisting Alfie is her one and only love "there has been no one else" and Alfie's dad, who left his mum for a teenage friend of his stepdaughter, has revisited the family home wearing a devil mask to see if he can cash in on his son's notoriety.

But this is not a soap opera. Alfie, Chantelle and Maisie are real people adrift in a society in which notoriety is mistaken for achievement and success means seeing your picture in The Sun. What is more they are all children.

The sinners here are not Alfie and Chantelle, but those around them who have failed to do what good parents do protect their children till they are old enough to look after themselves.

Alfie and Chantelle, like, Nadya Suleman, the Californian woman who gave birth to octuplets last month, are now international figures. Unlike her, they have been robbed of their childhoods. While others their age are still kicking balls in the street, fretting about what to wear to the school dance and nervously anticipating their first kiss, Alfie and Chantelle have become members of the adult club. They comprehend the mechanics, if not the responsibilities, that go with that club.

Worse they've got there without the anticipation and the excitement and the setbacks that should accompany such things. There's something dreadfully matter of fact about the way Chantelle describes the events that led to Maisie's birth. "I love Alfie. I lost my virginity to him. We decided to start a physical relationship because we love each other."

And they've arrived at parenthood without the tools they need to do the most challenging and important of jobs. Once the novelty wears off, once the tabloids stop banging on the door and once they stop seeing their faces on the six o'clock news, they'll find themselves like every other parent, being woken in the middle of the night, elbow deep in nappies and having to make sacrifices for the good of their child. But, unlike most other parents, they won't have the resilience acquired from dealing with the ups and downs of growing up to fall back on.

Chantelle is about to discover that just because Alfie "held my hand and rubbed my back" he is not ready for the responsibilities of fatherhood.

Alfie is about to discover he'd probably prefer to be hanging out with his mates than hanging around in a poky council flat listening to a baby cry.

No amount of backrubs is going to change that. Maisie's future looks as bleak as her mum's.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Welcome to the World Bella and Jack...

I'm doing a little bit of catching up with What's doing down under and the main event of the last few weeks has certainly been the birth of Bella Grace and Jack Duncan. With Noah, Alfie's buddy and brother to the twins, being sixteen months times are sure going to be busy for Ross and Sara!

We have got to know Ross and Sara really well since I started at school and it is great to see them with their two new additions. As you can imagine doing anything with three under two is a challenge, but I have to say they are coping amazingly well and making it all look very easy! Bella has already had quite an adventure in the last few weeks but has pulled through with flying colours... what a little fighter.

Many congratulations to Ross, Sara and familes... and to Bella, Jack and Noah you've got a great mummy and daddy!


We had great fun in the garden harvesting the melons. When we planted then they were described as Baby Watermelons that could grow runners up to 1m. Well we must have been something right/wrong as the plant took over the veggie patch then the garden and produced some Monster Melons. We love water melon... just as well... and this one was soooo sweet. I think I might make some sorbet with it, anyone have any other melon ideas?!?

... they say that child birth is like passing a watermelon!!!

... Melon Head!

... HEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEeaaaavvvvvveee!

... something yummy and sweet... .... oh and the watermelon!

.... Alfie starts work on the melon!

Wednesday nights are made for dancing....

Check out the latest shapes that Alfie chucks around the dance floor.

Dancer: Alfie
Choreographer: Dad
Music: Some rubbish on MTV

Sunday, February 08, 2009

A tragic day for Australia,,,

I've just finished watching the News after a day of the worst bush fires Australia has ever seen. Eighty four people lost their lives today. After all the recent dry weather bush fires were inevitable, but having just watched the news coverage the scale and devastation particularly in Victoria is unbelievable, entire towns have been wiped from the map by fires which are often started deliberatly. It certainly brings home how important it is to take precautions with fire and to protect your house. I do get up on to the roof now and again to remove leaves from the gutters etc, something I'll be doing more frequently from now on...

BBC News

Friday, February 06, 2009

Hottest place on Earth...

While the UK shivers and we watch Red Buses crawl through snow swept streets on our news, all talk here is of weather as New South Wales prepares to become the hottest place in the world on Sunday, with temperatures expected to soar to 47C.

The Daily Telegraph

We'll let you know how the weekend goes....

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Alfie Month by Month...

I can swim...

During the summer Alfie has had many opportunities to swim and has steadily grown in confidence. While wearing various float devices he has been somewhat reluctant to release his vice like grip on your hands... until Sunday!

Alfie decided that it was time to go solo and have a go at being on his own. He quickly realised that with a little kick and waggle of arms he could really get somewhere...

... Mum decided that it was time for a cocktail...