Friday, February 20, 2009


We had great fun in the garden harvesting the melons. When we planted then they were described as Baby Watermelons that could grow runners up to 1m. Well we must have been something right/wrong as the plant took over the veggie patch then the garden and produced some Monster Melons. We love water melon... just as well... and this one was soooo sweet. I think I might make some sorbet with it, anyone have any other melon ideas?!?

... they say that child birth is like passing a watermelon!!!

... Melon Head!

... HEEEEeeeeeeeeEEEeaaaavvvvvveee!

... something yummy and sweet... .... oh and the watermelon!

.... Alfie starts work on the melon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yummy & sweet & also the melons! suggest try internet for more melon recipes -
John & Jean xxx