Friday, February 20, 2009

Welcome to the World Bella and Jack...

I'm doing a little bit of catching up with What's doing down under and the main event of the last few weeks has certainly been the birth of Bella Grace and Jack Duncan. With Noah, Alfie's buddy and brother to the twins, being sixteen months times are sure going to be busy for Ross and Sara!

We have got to know Ross and Sara really well since I started at school and it is great to see them with their two new additions. As you can imagine doing anything with three under two is a challenge, but I have to say they are coping amazingly well and making it all look very easy! Bella has already had quite an adventure in the last few weeks but has pulled through with flying colours... what a little fighter.

Many congratulations to Ross, Sara and familes... and to Bella, Jack and Noah you've got a great mummy and daddy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So very glad that all is well
walkers@bristol xx