Monday, August 31, 2009

First Warners Bay next the World...

... well nearly! After my success at the weekend I have decided at the very last minute, after being given the web address by Ross, to enter the World Masters Games 2009 in Sydney. The entries for the 10km road race had to be in before 5pm and I had parents evening and so Beth worked wonders to get my name on the starting list! The World Masters is like the Olympics for the over thirties with host cities staging the event every four years. The fact that its just two hours away was too good an opportunity to miss.

"The World Masters Games are one of the great international sports events,and the largest in terms of participation. It provides people of all abilities not only with reasons to play organised sport in later life but also with opportunities to make new friends."

World Masters Games 2009 - Link

"Sydney being a recent Olympic City provides a not-to-be-missed chance to follow in the footsteps of legends. Many of the 28 sports competitions will take place in Olympic venues, several sites in the Sydney Olympic Park precinct that will be both the sport and social heart of the Games."

I must admit that I'm looking forward to stepping out at the Olympic Stadium for the opening ceremony on the 11th of October... representing the United Kingdom of course!!!! Before that I have five hard weeks training ahead so that I can be in even better shape. I ran 42:56 for 10.5km at the weekend so I'm hoping to be much closer to 40 minutes on the day... interestingly at the last World Masters in Canada my best this year would have been good enough for 13th place in my category!

PS: For those of you thinking that its all running and no Beth at the moment... you'll be glad to hear that we're hoping to make it a weekend away for the two of us!! ;0)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Under the Weather...

Beth and Alfie have both been under the weather in the last few weeks. Alfie has been struggling with a ear and throat infection and a cough, he's on antibiotics for that and Beth has the same. Both have found sleeping difficult, and this has meant that what sleep there has been has been irregular! The medicine that Alfie is taking seems to knock him out and so he's been a little lacking in energy... this afternoon we enjoyed some quiet time out in the sand pit...

Freedom of choice...

With the end of the football season comes a little more time at weekends to do the jobs that need to get done and more importantly spend time with Beth and Alfie. The last month or so has been very busy with me often playing two games as well as being at school on both days to coach my Under 11's.

It was actually quite nice to look through our diaries and see two blank pages for next weekend. Hopefully we can get out and about and get this blog rolling again!

Me? Are you sure? .... I just won something!

About five months ago I entered a local 10km race and ran 47.47. I knew I wasn't as fit as I had been in the past, but it shocked me how hard it was. Since then I've got back on the comeback trail to build up a bit of fitness and lose some of the middle age spread... it was there I'm telling you!!!

I've been doing about 60km a week including a morning session with a coach, and attending an athletics club on Tuesday nights. I've been running lots of races and gradually improving my times ... and feeling a whole lot better! My last 10km race was in July when I ran 46.06. Today was a strange distance being 10.5km but I hoped that I could run around 42mins on a good day. Well today wasn't a good running day as it was VERY windy but still I managed to take 3mins and 15secs off my personal best... it would have been even better without the extra 500 metres!!!

I knew that there weren't that many people in front of me... only twenty two in fact, what I hadn't expected was that none of them were in the same age category as me... and therefore I was over the moon to be presented with the 1st place medal! I think that this is the first time I've been first at anything in my life!!!

... I think that I'm supposed to know who this person is!!!

I'll post the official photographs when they come out...

I'm stepping up to half marathon training for twelve weeks now, with an eye on a full marathon in the new year... but for the rest of today its kick back and take it easy!

Sunday, August 09, 2009

City to Surf 2009...

Today has been a long day as I tackled the worlds biggest race, the 2009 City to Surf. 75,000 runners lined up this morning to run or walk the 14km from Sydney City Centre to Bondi Beach. But before reaching the start line at about 7:45am I had to set the alarm and get myself to the bus pick up for 5:30am. I was lucky enough to get on a bus of local runners which made the transport to and from the race much easier than it might have been.

It was quite a cold morning in Sydney and it was quite a sight to see most of the clothing tossed to the side on the gun. I'm told that Charity stores do a brisk trade in the lead up to the event and then come back to collect it all after the start! As this was my first year I was placed in the third of four groups, we didn't move for 18 minutes as the rest of the field snaked off into the distance. My aim this year was to run fast enough to get a "preferred start" next year. The cut off for that is 75 minutes and so that was my target.

ABC News Video Clip

I managed to start towards the front of my group (... by group I say 15,000 - 20,000 runners!) and get as clear a run as I could. I still had to weave wildly through the crowds and so running an even pace or in a straight line was impossible. I felt good throughout the first 10km, gobbled up "Heartbreak Hill" and spat it out. I actually got to 10km faster than I have run my two 10km races since March!

I kicked on from there running the last four strongly on what had become quite a warm morning. It was an awesome experience running with so many people. There were people of every ability, shapes, sizes and costumes. People lined the route from start to finish, bands played ... some people even set up their own drinks stations with homemade lemonade.

A perfect day.... I'll be back fitter and faster next year ... oh and in the preferred entry section after running 61.52! ;0)

From the Sydney Morning Herald -

Streams of sweat from a record 75,000 weary runners have flowed into Bondi as this year's City2Surf cemented itself as the world's biggest fun run. Bare calves and knees stormed Hyde Park on Sunday morning, with a record number of professional and amateur runners taking part in the 14km race. Competitors came from a diverse range of ages and backgrounds but all crossed the line bearing the same sweat-laden brows and haggard cheeks.

It was the 39th City2Surf to be staged and the 36th time Clovelly grandfather Col Blake has decided to take on the race and battle the stamina-killing ``Heartbreak Hill'' between Rose Bay and Vaucluse.

The world's biggest fun run not only attracted some of Australia's most serious marathon runners but also wannabe superheroes, cartoon characters and a parade of walking mushrooms.A buff, half-naked Spartan warrior with faux metal armour was a favourite for a group of grannies who had taken to cheering participants across the line. Many runners in true Australian fashion crossed the line asking for a beer well before midday.

It was third time lucky for Gold Coast student Michael Shelley, who won the City2Surf in a time of 41:02, well outside Steve Moneghetti's 1991 record of 40:03.Striding down the home stretch to the finish line, last-year's runner-up was visibly relieved knowing that after two previous attempts, he had finally won the 14km race.

Deaf swim instructor Melinda Vernon, 23, was the fastest woman, coming in at 47:46, more than two minutes outside the women's record.

Friday, August 07, 2009

Like father like son???

Mum send out some pictures of me when I was Alfie's age. Quite interesting, what do you think?

... I feel sorry for the lad!!! ;0)

Junior Update...

We had a bit of good news today about Junior as our latest scan and blood test suggests that we had a very very low chance of conditions such as Downs Syndrome. When we had Alfie the risks were less than 70 in 100 and offered an amniocentesis which itself presents a significant risk of miscarriage. It's obviously great news for us that we can avoid long needles, nervous waits and difficult decisions this time around. Our next scan is in about seven weeks time....

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Argyle get some national coverage...

Check this Aviva Insurance add... nice to hear a Plymouthian accent after such a long time!

Sunday, August 02, 2009

Big Boys Bed - The Update

Nightly the battle lines have been drawn - child versus parents and the battle of wills. Alfie would often take the "But I really need to show you that car that I've had all day just one more time," to escape the confines of his room. I think that there was a little part of him that wants/wanted to get back into his cot.

Eventually he would win and two exhausted parents would put the now exhausted and over tired boy into his "baby bed" wooden cell. Although that wouldn't be the end of it .. oh no... there was more fun to be had stuffing all his essential sleeping items - blanket, Iggle Piggle, Lightning McQueen and his sidekick Sally down the back of his cot. Oh the fun we had listening to the repeated "Mummy" or "Daddy" which increased in frequency and volume in preparation for retrieving the above on hands and knees! Every night so far has ended up like this, with the only successes being when he had foolishly fallen asleep before getting into bed and we deposited him there.

Well tonight we have had a breakthrough as he has managed to not only stay in bed, but sleep there of his own free will. Fingers crossed that he'll continue like that?!? Right time for my big boys bed too....

City 2 Surf... 1 week to go!

This time next week it will all be over, the 2009 City to Surf. One of my regrets is that I never managed to get a place for the London Marathon (... maybe one day!)which is obviously one of the top running events anywhere in the world. However while City to Surf might not have the marathon distance its the biggest race in Australia, and if you look at races worldwide the biggest in terms of participating runners - this years entries have closed at a whopping 75,000.

Its a 14km distance and training has been going well. As this is my first City2Surf I'll be starting at the back, so will have to pick my way through the crowds, although I hope that I get a good enough time so that I can be seeded next year to start a little further up the field.

The race starts in Sydney and winds its way around the Harbour to Bondi Beach. It should be a great day.. I will report back next week.

Welcome Jnr...

With little on the blog to write home about you could be forgiven for thinking that everything has been quiet Down Under... well you'd be very wrong! We'd like to announce our latest addition to the Ivey family known at the moment (... by me anyway!) as Junior.

After many very sick weeks Beth now finds herself at eleven weeks and (... counts on fingers!) five days and starting to feel that she is through the worst. We had this scan on Thursday which suggested that Junior is already a week older than we had expected. Our next scan will therefore come around much faster than we had thought! Beth and I will go back to the hospital on Monday for another scan and blood tests which will identify the risks of various conditions. Now we have both been here before so we are hoping that we can avoid further testing, long neeedles and anxious waits for results, but we'll cross any bridges as we come to them.

We'll keep you blog readers posted on how things go.

.. Rumours that we've created Junior in an attempt create something interesting to blog are about are simply not true! ;0)

Alfie Month by Month...