Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bar Be Gone ...

With the arrival of the Walkers from the UK within the next two weeks preparations are under way to transform what has become the Bar back into a bedroom, also much further down the line (... after the Walkers have vaccated the room I might add!) the room will be demolished as part of the extension in the new year. Therefore we are currently packing all the bar bits and bobs into boxes ready for storage!

Here's a little slideshow of the bar before it moves...

The bar is something of a collection of tat collected since we've been here, the odd painting and alcohol of course. A lot of the furtniture we've picked up from roadside collections after skidding to a halt and reversing. Only a couple of weeks ago we stopped to pick up another peacock chair! When the extension is complete house guests and drinkers will be treated to much larger accomodation in the room which is now our bedroom... Alfie's room will also become our office which will leave our back room looking much less like Steptoe's Yard. That's the plan anyway...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new additions! to your collection and glad to hear demolitions are on hold! New plans sound excellent! C U soon - xx xx