Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Masters Games Photographs...

I always check out race pictures, I'm usually moving so fast that simple point and shoot cameras fail to capture the poetry in motion! I was therefore delighted when Beth told me that she had managed to point me out to an official photographer at the event, who then with dollar signs flashing in his eyes set about capturing my every move.

After a couple of weeks checking the photographers website and finding nothing (... I think that the website couldn't cope with the numbers having a look!) I was chuffed to see so many of me. If the guy who won the race takes a look at the gallery and sees the two pictures of him, he'd certainly be left wondering who on earth this other guy with the glamorous wife was.... I had fifteen to choose from!

Here are the three that I ordered which turned up today...

... Nice and relaxed!

... Nothing nice here!

... All smiles!


Anonymous said...

John would understand the 'nothing nice here' attitude in any race! and I like the 'nice and relaxed' attitude but we both love and 'all smiles' with a celebrity runner (15 photos!) and very glamorous wife!
- Point Plus for blog comments!
Comment about race winner made us laugh as well! Excellent! Well Done!
xx xx

Anonymous said...

proud of you!