Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Day ...

Well that's it for another year, all that planning, preparation and spending and its gone in a flash. It's always such an enjoyable time of year but it does leave you (... well me anyway!) feeling a bit flat afterwards.

Alfie certainly seemed to be more aware of what Christmas was all about, from a present opening point of view anyway. I think that Santa may need to conceal any presents he drops off early a little better next year!!!

Christmas day started around 6am with some present opening and then breakfast. Alfie seemed to want to play with each present as it was opened and so the gift unwrapping stretched long into the day and was finally completed on Boxing Day.

After an early sleep (... for everyone I think!)it was off to Matt and Sharron's for an Al Fresco Christmas dinner which we finished as the first drops of rain started to fall (... its been raining ever since!!!). It was great to catch up with Beth's family and this year was made even more special with the arrival of Sharron's parents from the UK. 2010 could well be an Ivey family Christmas ... so watch this space!

Far too much food and drink was consumed (... I think I put on 3kg in two days!) but the leftovers are being worked through and the fridge has something of a normal appearance again.

Alfie has a new bike which he seems to have taken to. It somehow managed to cost more than any bike I've ever owned, but it was worth it for the smiles. Here is the test drive ...

Beth ended up with some clothes that she can actually fit into, a new phone and some other bits and bobs, while I ended up with a much needed new drill and some budgie smugglers, kick board and goggles as I want to get into some swimming!

We hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas. We would like to thank everyone for their gifts and cards that have made the arrival of the postman on his scooter a most welcome sight in the afternoons.

Next year with another Aussie Ivey to buy for we're asking people only to buy for the kids if they feel the need as it just gets so expensive. We thought we'd ley you know now as we know that some of you will have started Christmas 2010 shopping already!!! Only 363 shopping days to go... ;0)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve ...

With a less than seasonal weather forecast looming (... I can hear the tears from the UK as I type!) of wet weather for three or four days as the tail end of a tropical storm tracks through we decided to head out to the beach.

We had a scramble on the rocks, did some digging in the sand and jumped some waves. The Aussie Christmas still takes a bit of getting used to... its thirty plus degrees outside but there are still inflatable Snowmen and the signs of Winter everywhere! But where ever you are this Christmas we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Familes ...

This Sunday we were all dressed up with somewhere to go - to see Santa! Before setting off we decided to take some family pictures... just as well because getting pictures with the Christmas man proved slightly more problematic as our turn at the front of the queue synchronised perfectly with Alfie's less sociable needing a sleep time... we might try again later in the week!

... surely one of us would have to go home to change!! This picture followed several minutes of "Thats my shirt!" ... "No its's my shirt!"

... out in the garden with Mummy, Nanny and Gramps!

... Me and Mummy!

... Mummy, Daddy, Bump and me!

Friday, December 18, 2009

It's in the post ...

... Christmas cards are sent on their way!

Now you see me ...

... now you don't. Hide and seek a timeless classic... maybe we should have bought Alfie a pile of scatter cushions for Christmas?!?

Hair today ...

.. gone tommorrow. A rare hair cut for Alfie this week. He was pretty good once we got him on the chair and got the basket of toys out. Much smarter for Christmas. What do you think?


Camera appears .. out comes the smile!

Beach Bum and Mum...

Here comes the Summer...

Active Alfie...

With two extra people around to entertain Alfie is very active at the moment, keeping everyone on their toes... out playing in the garden or inside being crafty... happy family times.

... Play Dough!

... Scooter!

... anyone for tennis?

Mummy's little helper ...

You've already seen how Alfie was able to assist (... term used loosely!) in the hanging of lights outside with the help of a 30ft ladder... which apparently is a man's job (... Beth is excused this year!) Well it would seem that arranging the tree is certainly a woman's work although Alfie did manage to get in on the act.

Again there was much excitement and cries of "WOW!" from Alfie as each box was unpacked.

.. one set of lights failed to work but it wouldn't be Christmas otherwise! ;0)

Christmas came early ...

With Summer Holidays approaching it was time to start winding down, spark up the BBQ and have a beer or two.

Nan and Gramps presented some early Christmas presents and if Alfie's reaction was anything to go by then his second Christmas will certainly be a memorable one.

It was actually good to sit outside to eat at the end of a very hot day in the low forties. It was a rare day with the air conditioners on for us... The weather has been very changable of late ... today was wet and about twenty degrees cooler!

The Log Cabin...

Alfie is developing quite an imagination and is always wanting adults to get involved with his games. A favourite trick at the moment is to remove all cushions from the sofa, collect up all the pillows from beds and put them on the floor to roll on! However yesterday we decided to act out the three little pigs ... however as the Big Bad Wolf (played by moi!) I was unable to huff and puff and blow down this construction!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Deck the Halls ...

With Christmas approaching faster than Santa on his Sleigh it's time to get those Christmas decorations up... luckily for me I have Daddy's little helper.

... Just got to find the one bulb that doesn't work!

... Thats my dad up the ladder I know.........

....... I'll hammer the ladder!

... Too me ... too you Daddy!

... Can we fix it ... yes we can!

Nan and Gramps Walker ...

It seems that I start every blog post with the words "Sorry its been so long but we've been busy..." and this one will be no different. Its been fairly flat out in the Ivey household for the last ten weeks or so. Beth worked all of term four at the local school up the road, I've obviously been at my school while Alfie has made daily trips to family day care. Not an ideal situation but as Beth nears the end of the pregnancy, the extension plans being with council and Christmas around the corner the money has sure come in useful.

Today is Beth's last day, I have a couple of days at school on a course to go and then that's it for the year. We can look forward to Christmas and a long Summer Holiday.

Something else we were looking forward to was the arrival of Nan and Gramps. It's certainly great to have the extra pairs of hands around the place, particularly when number two comes along in eight weeks or so! Alfie seems to have picked up where he left off with them, taking advantage of extra play partners. I know that he will appreciate them being here as much as we will.