Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Nan and Gramps Walker ...

It seems that I start every blog post with the words "Sorry its been so long but we've been busy..." and this one will be no different. Its been fairly flat out in the Ivey household for the last ten weeks or so. Beth worked all of term four at the local school up the road, I've obviously been at my school while Alfie has made daily trips to family day care. Not an ideal situation but as Beth nears the end of the pregnancy, the extension plans being with council and Christmas around the corner the money has sure come in useful.

Today is Beth's last day, I have a couple of days at school on a course to go and then that's it for the year. We can look forward to Christmas and a long Summer Holiday.

Something else we were looking forward to was the arrival of Nan and Gramps. It's certainly great to have the extra pairs of hands around the place, particularly when number two comes along in eight weeks or so! Alfie seems to have picked up where he left off with them, taking advantage of extra play partners. I know that he will appreciate them being here as much as we will.

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